A near-optimal 2x2 Rubik's Cube solver using a Breadth-First Search Algorithm and group theory.
This program utilizes a breadth-first search algorithm and group theory to find the shortest path from a scrambled state (group G1) to a state with all corners oriented (subgroup G2). From here, we restrict the search space to moves that preserve corner orientation, then BFS again until we reach a solved state (G3).
- Download the latest release of OptiCube
- Navigate to the download location, and open a CMD window there
- Run
opticube.exe <2x2 scramble>
opticube R F' R' F' R2 F2 R2 U' F'
[*] - searching depth 1
[*] - searching depth 2
[*] - searching depth 3
[*] - searching depth 4
[*] - searching depth 5
[*] - searching depth 6
[*] checked 722113 states in 773ms (933824.208332805 per second)
[*] stage 1: R' F U2 F U' R
[*] - searching depth 1
[*] - searching depth 2
[*] - searching depth 3
[*] - searching depth 4
[*] - searching depth 5
[*] - searching depth 6
[*] - searching depth 7
[*] - searching depth 8
[*] - searching depth 9
[*] - searching depth 10
[*] checked 17033727 states in 21194ms (803700.977282363 per second)
[*] stage 2: R2 U F2 U' F2 U R2 U' F2 U
// desired state for forcing Sune CLL is nxxnxxnxYYxxWRGWOGWOBWRB
// where n = sticker must not be solved in the end
// and x = sticker's end color is irrelevant
while (!issolved)
log(" - searching depth " + depth);
Variations<char> variations = new Variations<char>(validmoves, depth, GenerateOption.WithRepetition); //generate variations to test
foreach (IList<char> test_sequence in variations)
foreach (var move in test_sequence)
test_sequence += move + " ";
if (statesEqual(cornerstate_initial, cornerstate_desired))
return seq;
seq = ""; //seq didn't work so reset
Buffer.BlockCopy(corner_backup, 0, corner_init, 0, corner_init.Length * sizeof(char)); //restore original state pre-testing
Even on mediocre hardware, this program is capable of searching about 1,800,000 branches per second. So solve times vary from only a few seconds to about two minutes depending on the move depth of the solution to the cube.