with rxjs v5.4.3 + Immutable v4.0.0-rc.4
This system was created for start any project on NodeJs and React.
- Webpack v3.6.0
- SCSS + sass-loader v6.0.6
- bootstrap v4.0.0-beta
- autoprefixer v7.1.4
- cssnano v3.10.0 (only Environment production)
- BEM System
- TypeScript v2.5.3 + awesome-typescript-loader v3.2.3
- React v16.0.0
- redux v3.7.2
- Webpack v3.6.0
- classnames v2.2.5
- socket.io v2.0.3
- React-redux v5.0.6
- redux-observable v0.16.0
- React-router v4.2.0
- React-router-redux v5.0.0-alpha.6
- react-helmet v5.2.0
- babel-loader v7.1.2
- babel-plugin-transform-runtime v6.23.0
- babel-preset-es2015 v6.24.1
- babel-preset-stage-0 v6.24.1
- babel-plugin-dynamic-import-webpack v1.0.1
- TypeScript v2.5.3
- React v16.0.0
- Koa v2.3.0
- koa-router v7.2.1
- bcryptjs v2.4.3
- jsonwebtoken v8.0.1
- svg-sprite-loader v3.2.5
- gulp-svgo v1.2.5
- pino v4.7.2
- ioredis v3.1.4
- elasticsearch v13.3.1
- classnames v2.2.5
- socket.io v2.0.3
- redux v3.7.2
- React-redux v5.0.6
- React-router v4.2.0
- React-router-redux v5.0.0-alpha.6
- react-helmet v5.2.0
##Progressive Web App
- offline-plugin v4.8.4
##Production process manager for Node.js
- PM2 v2.7.1
- NodeJS 8+
- MongoDB 3.4+
- Redis 4.0+
- Elasticsearch 5.6+
Install dependencies:
$ yarn install
$ npm install
#####Run webpack watcher backend changes:
npm run backend-watch
#####Run webpack watcher frontend changes (for assets) and run dev-server:
npm run dev-server
#####Run backend side
gulp backend
Visit http://localhost:3000/.
This will build the assets for you on the first run. For subsequent starts, you should run:
npm run production
#####Run server:
npm start
Visit http://localhost:1337/.
#####Restart server:
npm restart
#####Stop server:
npm stop
#####Kill process:
npm run kill
#####Show logs:
npm run logs
$ gem install scss_lint
$ npm run scss-lint
$ npm run lint-typescript
$ npm run lint
##Task lists
- Create isomorphic application
- Connect React & Redux & Router
- Add database - MongoDB
- Add Redis.io v4+
- Connect socket.io with Redis
- Add ServiceWorker and AppCache
- PM2 Start server
- SVG sprite generator
- Load images from static
- Tinypng for images
Authorization Token SystemSystem has JWT module - Update React to v16
- Add pipelines testing Travis CI
- Add testing
├── .awcache # Cached build files
├── __tests__ # Folder with test files
├── client # Client load application
├── dist # Compiled files
├── route # Files for routing application
├── server # Server load applicaton
├── static # Static files
├── store # Redux store
├── styles # Application styles
├── view # React view components
├── webpack # Config for compilation
├── tools # Tools and utilities
├── .gitignore
├── .scss-lint.yml
├── .travis.yml # Config file for Travis CI
├── ecosystem.json # Config file for PM2
├── gulpfile.js
├── jestconfig.json # Config file for Jest
├── package.json
├── README.md
├── tsconfig.json
└── tslint.json
└── dist
├── public # Assets folder
└── server # Server application