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Material-UI Dataforms

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MUI Dataforms is a library intended to assist in creating dynamic forms based on a JSON input. Fields are completely dynamic with a multitude of pre-defined components (with the option of custom components).

Getting Started


npm install mui-dataforms


yarn add mui-dataforms

Using the forms

import MuiDataform from 'mui-dataforms'

Define your fields

const fields = [
        title: "Personal Information",
        description: "Some info about yourself.",
        fields: [
                id: 'first-name',
                title: 'First Name',
                type: 'text',
                validation: {
                    required: true,
                    min: 3,
                    max: 16,
                size: {
                    xs: 12,
                    md: 6,

Set up a state

const [values, setValues] = useState({"first-name": "Alex"})

const handleOnChange = (key) => (value) => {
	setValues(prevValues => ({...prevValues, [key]: value}))


<MuiDataform title={"My Form"} fields={fields} values={values} onChange={handleOnChange}/>


<MuiDataform />

The component accepts the following props:

Name Type Default Required Description
title string '' false Title of the form
fields array [] true Data used to describe the fields. Array of section objects.
values object {} false Object containing the values of the form. Each value's key is linked to the id of the relative field.
onChange function true A function that will be triggered when the field changes.
key => value => ()


Name Type Default Required Description
title string '' false Title of the section.
description string '' false Description of the section.
fields array [] false Fields for the section. Array of field objects.


Name Type Default Required Description
id string true Reference to the value stored in the values object. Required unless type is set to spacer.
title string false Title of the field
type string true Type of field to display.
enum(text, number, select, date, time, datetime, checkbox, switch, spacer, custom)
validation object false Title of the field.
validation.required bool false false Title of the field.
validation.min int false Minimum length or size of input.
validation.max int false Maximum length or size of input.
size object {xs: 12} false Grid sizing of each field. Uses same sizing from MUI: xs, sm, md, lg, xl.
props object false Additional props to pass through.
options array false Required for type: select. List of options defined by an array of objects with value and label.
validator function false Custom validation logic that returns whether the input is valid and an optional errorMessage to display to the client.
(value) => {valid, errorMessage}