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Program Structures and Algorithms: SEC 02 INFO6205, Spring 2017

Instructor: Ashish

CourseDescription: In this course we will discuss fundamentals of programmingdata structures and basic algorithms. We will cover data structures of arrays,linked list, stacks and queues, hash tables and hash maps, trees, graphs,suffix trees and few other specialized data structures. We would also learnabout order of complexities for each one of these data structures. In additionto this we would be discussing searching and sorting, backtracking, dynamicprogramming, bit manipulation, pattern searching etc.

Prereq.INFO 6205. Basic understanding of any high level programminglanguage.

Grading:(TBD) Assignments/Quizzes 60%,Mid Term 20% Final 20%

AcademicHonesty: The Northeastern University academic integrity policyapplies to your work in this course. All students are expected to adhere tothis policy. For more information on academic integrity policy, please visitwebsite:

Attendancepolicy: The Information Systems Department has a strict classattendance policy. Students who miss two or more Classes will automaticallyreceive one letter grade lower in their final grade. Students who miss threeClasses will receive an automatic F for the class. No exceptions are allowedfor this rule.

**CourseSchedule: (Subject to change) **

Week 1 Searching and Sorting

Week 2 Searching and Sorting continued

Week 3 Recursion and Backtracking

Week 4 Dynamic Programming

Week 5 Dynamic Programming

Week 6 Dynamic Programming

Week 7/Mid Term

Week 8 Trees Basics + BST

Week 9 Trees, Suffix Trees B+ Trees, Self-Balancing Trees

Week 10 Link list, stacks and queues

Week 11 Graphs

Week 12 Graphs

Week 13 Bit Manipulation + Hash Table

Week 14 Matrix data structures

Week 15 Greedy Algorithms, Divide and Conquer

Week 16 Final