Technologies I used to create this project: Node.js, JavaScript, Html/Css, MongoDB, Ajax.
This Web App will help you find a movie that you want to watch now or in future, using OMDb API (The Open Movie Database) and add it to your Movie Watch List where you can keep it permanently.
You just need to start typing a movie title to search for movies and get approptiate answer from server with all possible movie titles. Then you choose one that fits your needs and then you have possibility to read all neccesary information about movie right on this page and add it to your Watch list.
Your Watch List is connected to Database, so you will keep your chosen movies forever until you decide to delete them. You can press blue circled "i" button to get more information about movie from your Watch List or you can press red "X" button to delete movie from your WatchList forever. If you want to keep movies in Database you can just press green "V" button, to mark them as seen.