- Please visit the installation instructions to ensure you have the correct prerequisites installed.
- Copy the bin folder containing hyperledger binaries and config files into ./remittance-network/
- Execute the following commands to build the blockchain network
# Please make sure you that are in the root directory of the project
hamza@host:~$ cd remittance-network
hamza@host:~$ ./startFabric.sh
This shell script will automatically build the network for you with 2 organizations having 2 peers each (4 in total), 1 orderer and 1 CA's for each (2 in total).
- Download node-modules in ./Server/routes folder
- Download node-modules in ./Server folder
- Generate identities by un-commenting the content in generateIdentities function
- Run the server form following commands
hamza@host:~/remittance-network$ cd ../Server/
hamza@host:~/Server$ node server.js