Himanshu Shankar here!
And on PRs in 101Loop
If this shows JavaScript ^ Something is messed up! Go Python Go! Most of my contribution are private 😭 Cons of working in Enterprise Industry
2020 - The year I coded most 😎 (as per GitHub)
2021-2022 - They made me lead 😭 Now I code less - Help me change that!
- Just kidding, there are more stuff in BitBucket, GitLab and private GitLab repo's! 😎
🔭 I’m currently working on Django / Python, PostgreSQL, AWS, Serverless based products.
🌱 I’m want to implement something on GoLang!
👯 I’m open to hear about new ideas and build something!
🤔 I can help with things around ORMs. More specifically around Python and PostgreSQL!
💬 Ask me about enterprise, economics, finance, debt management
📫 Reach me: Well, you are here, no? Raise a PR in any repo at 101Loop
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun fact: Well, I code bugs, then I fix them!