Find out how to build a complete e-commerce platform. Author Melvin Kisten tackles CRUD functions and connects the system to a database of MongoDB (Document database). Created a full-stack platform using JavaScript. The frontend was created using React and the backend was created using NodeJS, Express, MongoDB. Then I used Axios and Redux to link my backend with my frontend. I also used Postman to test my end points.
Methodologies/Project Management:
- Agile
Coding Practices:
- OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
- MVC (Model View Controller)
Programming Languages/Frameworks:
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB
- Postman
- Axios
Make sure you have these installed
Clone this repository into your local machine using the terminal (mac) or Gitbash (PC)
> git clone
backend setup (DO NOT cd to backend) (running on port you decide)
> npm install
frontend setup (running on port 3000)
> cd frontend
> npm install
Insert data into the MongoDB database
Start MongoDB server
> mongod
Enter mongo shell
> mongo
Insert data into the MongoDB database
> npm run data:import
Rename .env-example to .env and set these values
NODE_ENV = development PORT = <> MONGO_URI = <> JWT_SECRET = <> PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID = <>
Runs both frontend and backend (cd to ROOT of project)
> npm run dev
Make sure you have created accounts at
Then follow ALL step by step
Logging into remote MongoDB server (may need to change the url, as well as in backend/src/server.js)
> mongo "mongodb+srv://<cluster_name><dbname>" --username <username>
Inserting data into remote MongoDB database
> npm run data:import
Installing Heroku using npm globally
> npm install -g heroku
Logging into Heroku
> heroku login
Creating a heroku app
> heroku create
Create .gitignore file Add this
ONLY in entire file
## Dependency directories node_modules/
Remove 'dist' and 'build' from .gitignore file
> git init
> heroku git:remote -a <app name>
> git add .
> git commit -am "initial commit"
> git push heroku master
> git push --set-upstream heroku master
> git push heroku
Setting environment variables
> heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production -a <app name>
> heroku config:set PORT=<> -a <app name>
> heroku config:set MONGO_URI='<entire_uri+password>' -a <app name>
> heroku config:set JWT_SECRET='<secret>' -a <app name>
> heroku config:set PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID='<id>' -a <app name>
> heroku ps:scale web=1
Check out some other stuff on Melvin K.