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Sewer-ML: A Multi-Label Sewer Defect Classification Dataset and Benchmark

This repository is the official implementation of Paper and Supplementary.

The Sewer-ML project page can be found here.


The anaconda environments used to run the code are included in the anaconda_environment folder.

The main packages are listed below:

  • Pytorch 1.6.0
  • Torchvision 0.7.0
  • Pytorch-Lightning 0.9.0
  • Pandas >= 1.1.1
  • Numpy >= 1.15
  • Scikit-Learn 0.19.2
  • lear-gist-python
  • inplace-abn

The Sewer-ML dataset can be accessed after filling out this Google Form. The Sewer-ML dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.


The models can be trained in four different "training modes", based on the type of classifier is wanted:

  • training_mode = e2e: An end-to-end classifier is trained on all the data with multi-label annotations.
  • training_mode = binary: A binary classifier is trained on all the data with binary defect annotations.
  • training_mode = defect: A defect classifier is trained on just the data with defects occuring, with multi-label annotations.
  • training_mode = binaryrelevance: A binary classifier is trained on the data with just the defect denoted in the "br_defect" argument.

CNN classifiers

When training the images are normalized with the following mean and standard deviation, found using the script.:

  • mean = [0.523, 0.453, 0.345]
  • std = [0.210, 0.199, 0.154]

Two examples of this would be training the binary classifier by Xie et al. and a e2e model using the TResNet-L architecture:

python --precision 16 --batch_size 128 --max_epochs 90 --progress_bar_refresh_rate 500 --gpus 2 --distributed_backend ddp  --model xie2019_binary  --training_mode binary --log_save_interval 1000 --row_log_interval 100 --ann_root <path_to_annotations> --data_root <path_to_data> --log_save_dir <path_to_model_logs>
python --precision 16 --batch_size 128 --max_epochs 90 --progress_bar_refresh_rate 500 --gpus 2 --distributed_backend ddp  --model tresnet_l  --training_mode e2e --log_save_interval 1000 --row_log_interval 100 --ann_root <path_to_annotations> --data_root <path_to_data> --log_save_dir <path_to_model_logs>

Extra trees classifier

To train an Extra Tree classifier on the data, first the GIST features needs to be extracted. This is done using the script, utilizing the Lear-GIST-Python package.

python --data_root <path_to_data> --ann_root <path_to_annotations> --output_dir <path_to_gist_features>

When calling the script, a grid search is performed over the number of trees, the max depth of the trees and maximum number of features used.

python --stage <training_mode> --output_dir <path_to_model_output> --gist_dir <path_to_gist_features>

The "stage" argument must be supplied indicating whether it is trained on binary data, defect data, or all the data.


To evaluate a set of models on the validation set of the Sewer-ML dataset, first the raw predictions for each image should be generated, which is subsequently compared to the ground truth. The raw predictions should be probabilities.

When the predictions have been obtained the performance of the model can be determined using the script.

python --output_path <path_to_metric_results> --split <dataset_split_to_use> --score_path <path_to_predictions> --gt_path <path_to_annotations>

CNN classifiers

The validation prediction of the CNN classifiers when trained using the lighting_trainer script can be obtained the script. The script iterates over a directory contain a subdirectory per trained model.

python --ann_root <path_to_annotations> --data_root <path_to_data> --results_output <path_to_results> --log_input <path_to_model_logs> --split <dataset_split_to_use>

If a single model needs to be evaluted this can be done using the script. Additionally, if a specific set of weights needs to be used, this can be done by setting the --best_weights flag. Otherwise it is expected that there is a last.ckpt file which points to the best performing model weights.

python --ann_root <path_to_annotations> --data_root <path_to_data> --results_output <path_to_results> --model_path <path_to_models> --split <dataset_split_to_use>

Extra trees classifier

The extra trees classifiers can be evaluated using the script.

python --model_path <path_to_models> --gist_dir <path_to_gist_features> --output_dir <path_to_results> --split <dataset_split_to_use>

Combining binary and defect/e2e results

Some methods utilize a two-stage approach.

The results of the two trained networks can be combined using the script. The results can be combined in two ways: "replace" and "multiply". For all our results the replace method was used.

The replace method uses the defect probability of the first stage for all defects if a normal pipe is detected. Otherwise the second stage defect probabilities are used.

The multiply method multiplies the defect probability of the first stage with the individual defect probabilites fro mthe second stage.

python --outputName <output_filepath> --stage_one_path <stage_one_filepath> --stage_two_path <stage_two_filepathh> --split <dataset_split_to_use> --strategy <how_to_merge_predictions>

Pre-trained Models

You can download pretrained models here:

  • Model Repository trained on Sewer-ML using the parameters described in the paper.

For the CNNs two model versions are provided: Weights which can be used in pure Pytorch and weights which are compatible with the Pytorch Lightning setup.

Each model weight file consists of a dict with the model state_dict and the most important model hyper_parameters:

  • model
  • num_classes
  • training_mode
  • br_defect


We compared six method from the sewer defect classification domain and size from the general multi-label classification domain. Some methods did not converge and results are not reported for these. The methods are evalauted using the F2-CIW and F1-Normal metrics. Details can be found in the paper.

Sewer Defect Classification

Model name F2-CIW (Val) F1-Normal (Val) F2-CIW (Tst) F1-Normal (Tst)
Xie et al. 48.57% 91.08% 48.34% 90.62%
Chen et al. 42.03% 3.96% 41.74% 3.59%
Hassan et al. 13.14% 0.00% 12.94% 0.00%
Myrans et al. 4.01% 26.03% 4.11% 27.48%
ResNet-101 53.26% 79.55% 53.21% 78.57%
KSSNet 54.42% 80.60% 54.55% 79.29%
TResNet-M 53.83% 81.23% 54.79% 79.91%
TResNet-L 54.63% 81.22% 53.75% 79,88%
TResNet-XL 54.42% 81.81% 54.24% 80.42%
Benchmark (Xie + TResNet-L) 55.36% 91.32% 55.11% 90.94%

A live leaderboard can be found at the associated Codalab Challenge.

Code Credits

Parts of the code builds upon prior work:


The Code is licensed under an MIT License, with exceptions of the TResNet, ML-GCN, and KSSNET code which follows the license of the original authors.

The Sewer-ML Dataset follows the Creative Commons Attribute-NonCommerical-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) International license.


    author    = {Haurum, Joakim Bruslund and Moeslund, Thomas B.},
    title     = {Sewer-ML: A Multi-Label Sewer Defect Classification Dataset and Benchmark},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {13456-13467}


This repository is based on sewer-ml dataset







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