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A modern object-oriented language with fast interpreter

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Next is a familiar, minimal, fast programming language. It has a REPL, and anything that can be run as a script, can be run inside the REPL itself.

Next has a familiar C like syntax, and aims to achieve Python like minimalism, while performing much better than CPython.


  1. Hello, world!
print("Hello, world!")
  1. Branching
a = 2
// curly braces are mandatory
if(a < 3) {
    print("Inside if!")
} else if(a > 4) {
    print("Inside else if!")
} else {
    print("Inside else!")
  1. Looping
a = 10
while(a > 0) {
    print("A is ", a--, "\n")
for(a = 0;a < 10; a++) {
    print("A is ", a, "\n")
do {
    print("A is ", a--, "\n")
} while(a > 0)
b = 5
while(a < 10 and b < 10) {
while(a > 0 or b > 0) {
  1. Functions
fn bark(x) {
    print("Barked: ", x)
// Next supports function overloading
fn bark(x, y) {
    print(x, " barked: ", y)
// Functions can return values, using 'ret'
fn decrease(x) {
    ret x - 1

bark("Hi")  // Barked: Hi
bark("Subhranil", "Hello")  // Subhranil barked: Hello
print(decrease(6))  // 5

Functions are first class objects in Next, so you can pass them like values.

To refer a function, use name@argument_count.

v = bark@1
v("Cool!")  // Barked: Cool!
v = bark@2
v("Mukherjee", "Dope") // Mukherjee barked: Dope

fn lamba(x, y) {

lamba(bark@1, "Cool!")  // Barked: Cool!

Any kind of argument mismatch will be reported as an exception.

  1. Exceptions
fn might(x) {
    if(x < 2) {
        throw runtime_error("x must be greater than 2!")
    } else {
        ret x - 1

try {
} catch(runtime_error e) {
    print("Error caught!")
  1. Classes
class Foo {
    priv:   // access modifier, default private
        x   // member declaration
        fn private_bar() {
            print("private_bar called: ", x, "\n")
        y           // instance member
        static z    // static member
        new(a, b) {
            x = a
            y = b
            z = 0

        fn public_bar() {
            print("public_bar called: ", y, "\n")
            z = y

        static fn public_static_bar() {
            // can access only static method and members
            print("public_static_bar called: ", z, "\n")

obj = Foo(2, 3)
obj.public_bar()    // public_bar called: 3
Foo.public_bar()    // runtime_error: no such public method found in Foo metaclass
obj.public_static_bar() // public_static_bar called: 3
Foo.public_static_bar() // public_static_bar called: 3
print(obj.y)        // 3
print(Foo.y)        // runtime_error: no such public member found in Foo metaclass
print(obj.z)        // 3
print(Foo.z)        // 3
obj.private_bar()   // runtime_error: no such public method found!
obj.x               // runtime_error: no such public member found!

// public methods from inside of a class can be referenced too
f = Foo.public_bar@0    // class bound, the first argument while calling f must 
                        // be an instance of Foo
g = obj.public_bar@0    // object bound, can be called normally

f()                     // error: expected first argument to be an instance of Foo
f(obj)                  // public_bar called: 3
g(obj)                  // error: invalid arity
g()                     // public_bar called: 3
  1. Built-in Data Structures
// range
for(x in range(5)) {
    print(x, " ")   // 0 1 2 3 4

// array
arr = [2, 3, 4]
// iterating
// 1. By index
i = 0
j = arr.size()
while(i < j) {
    print(arr[i++], " ")
// 2. Using iterator protocol
for(a in arr) {
    print(a, " ")
// use insert() or arr[size+1] = value for insertion

// tuple
// tuples are immutable arrays
tup = tuple(3)  // tuple of size 3
tup[0] = 2
tup[1] = 3
tup[2] = 4
// tuples support both index access and iterators like arrays

// set
s = set()
print(s.has(2.32))  // false
print(s.size())     // 2
s.clear()           // clear the elements

// map
m = {"hello": "world!",
    2: true,
    bark@0: "cool!"}

k = m.keys()    // returns an array
for(key in k) {
    print(m[key], "\n")
  1. Iterator Protocol
// to make your class participate in for-in statements, do the following:
// 1. Have a public method named 'iterate()' which returns the iterator object
// 2. In the iterator class, have a public method named 'next()', which returns
//      the next value of the iterator.
// 3. In the iterator class, have a public member named 'has_next', which is 
//      'true' while the iterator has a next value to produce
class ColorIterator {
        new(a) {
            x = a
            i = 0
            has_next = i < x.size()

        fn next() {
            v = x[i++]
            has_next = i < x.size()
            ret v

class Colors {
        new() {
            colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]

        fn iterate() {
            ret ColorIterator(colors)

c = Colors()
for(color in c) {
    print(color, " ")   // red green blue
  1. Fibers
// Next supports cooperative scheduling with fibers
fn longJob(x) {
    while(x--) {

f = fiber(longJob@1, 10000) // 10000 is passed as argument to longJob
// fibers support iterator protocol
for(value in f) {
    print(value, " ")   // 9999 9998 9997
  1. Imports
import mymodule     // mymodule.n must be present in current directory

  1. Inheritance
class foo {
        new() {}

        fn hello() {
            print("hello from foo!")

class bar is foo {
        new() {}

        fn hello() {
            println("hello from bar!")

o = bar()
o.hello() // hello from foo! hello from bar!


$ git clone

$ cd Next

$ make cgoto -j4

To run benchmarks, do

$ make benchmark

To run tests, do

$ make tests

To build Next with profile guided optimizations, do

$ make clean && make pgo -j4


A ray tracer written in Next (tests/benchmark/renderer.n) Renderer


Any and all contributions are welcome!


A modern object-oriented language with fast interpreter






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