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❗ This library has been deprecated due to changes in strategy and roadmap. To actively contribute based on our current roadmap, checkout OpenMined, PySyft, or join our slack

A Python Implementation of the BV Homomorphic Encryption Scheme

The scheme was proposed by Lauter et al. in Can Homomorphic Encryption be Practical? which was a variant of a homomorphic encryption scheme given by Brakerski et al. in Fully Homomorphic Encryption from Ring-LWE and Security for Key Dependent Messages.

The API can be imported using the command "import BV". It currently supports the following functions and classes:


  1. Install Docker

    • If you're on macOS and use Homebrew, run brew cask install docker; open -a docker
  2. Run these commands:

make build
make run


  1. Install Docker

    • If you're on macOS and use Homebrew, run brew cask install docker; open -a docker
  2. Run make build

  3. Edit source code as you wish

  4. Run make dev



pari_init(pari_size, max_prime)

pari_init() is the function that needs to be called before dealing with this API. On importing the module, the module executes this statement automatically. pari_size defines the size of stack we'll be using, and max_prime defines the pre-computed prime table. By default, pari_size is set to 2000000000, and max_prime is set to 2.

Arguments: pari_size (int), max_prime (int)


pari_close() function has to be called at the end of each program to clear the memory used.



This class abstracts the GEN variable in C++, making it available through a Python interface. The class is compatible with +, *, /, -, __getitem__ , %, and print.

  • Class Data:

    1. value (GEN)
  • __init__(self, x)

    The constructor converts x to a GEN variable.

    Arguments: x(int)


  • Class Data:
    1. n, Q, sigma (ints)
    2. q, t, F (pari_GEN)


  • Class Data:

    1. sk (pari_GEN)
    2. params (parameters)
  • __init__(self, sk = None, parmas = None) The constructor initiates class data.

    Arguments: sk (pari_GEN), params (parameters)

  • decrypt(self, ct)
    decrypt() method returns the plaintext (pari_GEN) encrypted in ciphertext ct.

    Arguments: ct (pari_GEN)

  • serialize(self)


  • Class Data:

    1. pk (pari_GEN)
    2. params (parameters*)
  • __init__(self, pk = None, params = None)
    The constructor initiates the class data.

    Arguments: pk (pari_GEN), params (parameters*)

  • encrypt(self, pt)
    encrypt() method returns the ciphertext (pari_GEN) which encrypts plaintext pt.

    Arguments: pt (pari_GEN)

  • serialize(self)


  • Class Data:
    1. sk (secret_key)
    2. pk (public_key)


  • generate_key(self, n, Q, T, sigma)

    generate_key() method returns the keys, which is of type key_pair.

    Arguments: n (int), Q (int), T (int), sigma (int)

  • deserialize(self)


The class is compatible with '+', '*', and '-' operators. It also supports multiplication with plaintext (int) and batching.

  • Class Data:

    1. value (pari_GEN)
    2. pk (public_key*)
  • __init__(self, plaintext = None, pk)

    The plaintext variable is either an int variable, or it is an int_list variable. The size of list has to be less than the degree of polynomials (paramter n) in the polynomial ring.

    Arguments: plaintext (int or int_list), pk (public_key*)

  • decrypt(self, sk)

    decrypt() method returns the decrypted ciphertext which is pari_GEN variable.

    Arguments: sk (secret_key*)