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Advent of Kotlin | Build

Solutions for in Kotlin.



  1. Login to and copy your session cookie to ~/.aoc.
  2. The following downloads your problem input to src/test/resources and generates skeleton classes and tests.
  3. Unfortunately extracting example input isn't trivial, so you'll need to manually copy the example input into the generated example.txt.
> ./gradlew scaffolder --args='--help'

Usage: scaffolder [<options>]

  --year=<int>    Year of the problem to setup.
  --day=<int>     Day of the problem to setup.
  --open-browser  Open the browser to the chosen problem.
  --force         Force regeneration of classes even if they already exist.
  -h, --help      Show this message and exit

Example Scaffolding

package y2000

object Day1 {
  fun partOne(lines: List<String>): Int {
    return 0

  fun partTwo(lines: List<String>): Int {
    return 0
package y2000

import io.Filer
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

class Day1Tests {
  fun partOneExample() {
    assertThat(Day1.partOne(Filer.readExample(2000, 1))).isEqualTo(0)

  fun partOne() {
    assertThat(Day1.partOne(Filer.readProblem(2000, 1))).isEqualTo(0)

  fun partTwoExample() {
    assertThat(Day1.partTwo(Filer.readExample(2000, 1))).isEqualTo(0)

  fun partTwo() {
    assertThat(Day1.partTwo(Filer.readProblem(2000, 1))).isEqualTo(0)