I didn't see many simple 2D C gaming libraries and I didn't want to use c++. This is a learning project for me, I'm sure there's more mature libraries out there. I'm having fun learning all the things from scratch, so if you want to do some heavy lifting with me please help!
I'm currently rewriting this to take advantage of the luajit's FFI.
- sprite batching with all transformations done in a vertex shader
- raw old school C
- CMake >= 2.8
- a c/c++ compiler (C++ only for Box2D)
- SDL2.0 and SDLImage 2.0
- luajit
- jannson
- Box2D
- uthash
- cmocka
- grab SDL2.0 and SDLImage 2.0 and stuff them into /Library/Frameworks
- install cmake from somewhere
- make a build/ directory and run "cmake <path_to_build>"