Changes between ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui v2.3.11 and ibexa/admin-ui v4.0.0-beta1
- IBX-151: Decoupled userBundle (#1747)
- IBX-267: As a Maintainer, I want to have defined color palette and typography (#1749)
- RSYS-3261: Improved charts section different data structure (#1710)
- IBX-268: as editor i want to see redesigned buttons (#1755)
- IBX-457: Fixed update button in Change my password (#1769)
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#1762)
- IBX-491: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned links (#1774)
- IBX-497: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned tabs (#1780)
- IBX-691: As a Developer, I want to have reusable popup menu component (#1788)
- IBX-615: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned checkbox and radio buttons in all states (#1793)
- IBX-397: Implement the new design for content item editing screen (#1770)
- IBX-763: Cursor should be in not-allowed state on hover when checkbox is disabled (#1810)
- IBX-617: As an Editor, I want to see the redesigned toggle button (#1798)
- IBX-800: Redesigned login screen (#1824)
- IBX-93: Replaced AlloyEditor with CKEditor5 (#1817)
- IBX-809: Redesigned dashbaord (#1825)
- IBX-395: Updated code to Bootstrap 5 (#1819)
- IBX-650: redesign menu (#1808)
- IBX-612: Input field (ibexa-input--text) redesign with ibexa-label and ibexa-label--checkbox-radio (#1796)
- IBX-614: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned text area in all states - ibexa-input--textarea (#1801)
- IBX-836: Redesigned headers (#1834)
- IBX-644: URL Field Type redesign (#1839)
- IBX-492: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned tables (#1831)
- IBX-626: Redesigned eztime, ezdate, ezdatetime (#1844)
- IBX-629: Redesigned ezfloat, ezinteger (#1849)
- IBX-624: Redesigned ezquery (#1848)
- IBX-620: Redesigned ezauthor (#1847)
- IBX-613: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned dropdown field (multi-select) in all states (#1821)
- IBX-645: Redesigned ezuser (#1852)
- IBX-643: Redesigned ezemail (#1853)
- IBX-641: Text Line Field Type redesign (#1851)
- IBX-635: Redesigned ezmaplocation (#1854)
- IBX-884: It's not possible to set block reveal and hide date (#1855)
- IBX-640: Text Block Field Type redesign (#1856)
- IBX-622: Redesigned ezobjectrelation, ezobjectrelationlist (#1850)
- IBX-621: Redesigned ezboolean (#1859)
- IBX-625: Redesigned ezcountry (#1858)
- IBX-634: Redesigned ezkeyword (#1860)
- IBX-639: Redesigned ezselection (#1861)
- IBX-901: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned alerts (#1866)
- IBX-628: Redesigned ezbinary, ezmedia, ezimage, ezimageasset (#1864)
- IBX-916: Changed selector for ezselection validator (#1867)
- IBX-923: Fixed issue with disabling deletion of Content Type Groups (#1871)
- IBX-918: Content tabs styling (#1868)
- IBX-920: Redesign pagination (#1870)
- IBX-927: Ibexa dropdown overflows under screen on bottom if too many options (#1875)
- IBX-930: As a Developer, I want to use ibexa-chart class name (#1874)
- IBX-949: "Copy" button does not invoke the Copy action (#1879)
- IBX-928: Change valueChanged event to change event in inputs (#1873)
- IBX-151: Removed previously dropped classes (#1883)
- IBX-959: As a Developer I want Custom Dropdowns to respect "preferred_choices" in ChoiceType forms (#1887)
- IBX-963: Buttons on Trash page are hidden on medium resolutions (#1888)
- IBX-976: Disabled transition for side menu after reload page (#1893)
- IBX-967: As an Editor, I want to filter Dropdown items (#1891)
- IBX-951: Second-stage of the main menu not clickable when in trash or bookmarks (#1895)
- IBX-1011: Fixing hide all tooltip after click in side menu (#1899)
- IBX-955: Removed style for :visited link and set transition as -admin-transition-duration for links (#1896)
- IBX-954: Fixed missing Close button redirection to cancel action (#1900)
- IBX-1044: Add ibexa-icon 8px & 12px variants (#1904)
- IBX-1041: Fixed checkbox selector in ezauthor field type (#1906)
- IBX-1028: Fixed notification dot to be circle (#1907)
- IBX-1036: Fixed login button size (#1908)
- IBX-1030: Fixed secondary button hover state (#1909)
- IBX-771: Implemented new design for ckeditor (#1902)
- IBX-1048: Fixed checkbox alignment in tables (#1913)
- IBX-940: Dropdown in tab is partly hidden (#1903)
- IBX-1024: Hide group when all children are hidden in instant filter (#1914)
- IBX-1059: Fixed icon color in tables (#1915)
- IBX-1020: Fixing fitting of content create header (#1905)
- IBX-1073: Fixed richtext CSS classes (#1912)
- IBX-1026: Changed icon size in extra actions header (#1916)
- IBX-792: Implemented Field Types Palette (#1835)
- IBX-1023: Fixed instant filter input styles (#1920)
- IBX-1092: Fixed validation styles in change password (#1925)
- IBX-1025: Fixed search icon size in custom dropdown (#1926)
- IBX-1029: Fixed white arrow in dropdown (#1927)
- IBX-1096: Changed border from table to table header (#1922)
- IBX-1097: Change properties for reusable Dropdown widget (#1919)
- IBX-981: Select content widget (#1897)
- IBX-792: Fixed class using new namespace registered via resource (#1931)
- IBX-895: As an Editor, I want to see SubItems redesigned (#1923)
- IBX-1101: Changed transition from scale to opacity (#1933)
- IBX-1128: Fixed header in content type view (#1932)
- IBX-1054: Fixed navigation font size (#1930)
- IBX-1066: Changed buttons padding in table actions (#1929)
- IBX-1139: Add translation to admin-ui (#1937)
- IBX-1013: Fixed top header and disabled animation for scrolling side menu (#1901)
- IBX-1145: Reusable grid CSS classes (#1938)
- IBX-880: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned Page Builder edit mode (#1857)
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#1945)
- IBX-1162: As a developer I want to have checkbox class for grid view item (#1942)
- IBX-1181: Bookmark icon on content screen scrolls down (#1947)
- IBX-1198: When parent of dropdown has transform, dropdown items aren'… (#1952)
- IBX-1153: Fixed popup menu width (#1944)
- IBX-1159: Set height on table cell (#1943)
- IBX-1138: Removed checkbox background (#1941)
- IBX-1072: Redesign site factory (#1921)
- IBX-1051: Implemented global search form (#1956)
- IBX-1174: [Product Catalog] frontend part of attribute definition (#1957)
- IBX-1039: Fixed dashboard table (#1939)
- IBX-1157: Fixed issue with missing translation in the trash (#1965)
- IBX-1235: Dropdown with custom_form true and multiple true throws error (#1958)
- IBX-1243: Fixed issue with missing translation for dropdown fields on the search (#1967)
- IBX-562: Fixed issue when variable is not set (#1972)
- IBX-1264: Dropdowns are not clickable / do not expand in backoffice (#1974)
- IBX-1286: Tables template XSS vulnerability - default |raw (#1973)
- IBX-1260: As a Developer, I want to extend Content Type Create/Update views (#1963)
- IBX-1246: Redesigned search page (#1983)
- IBX-1259: As an Editor, I want to have redesigned config forms in Page Builder (#1962)
- IBX-1319: Fix Matrix Fieldtype in Content Type create (#1988)
- IBX-1291: As an Editor, I want to have redesign autosave (#1980)
- IBX-1320: Adaptive items in Location doesn't work (#1987)
- IBX-894: UDW redesign (#1946)
- IBX-897: Sidebar drag and drop scss component (#1975)
- IBX-1373: There's no CustomDropdown in UDW Create widget (#1994)
- IBX-1306: Personalization dashboard fixes (#1993)
- IBX-1367: Sidebars adjustments (#1995)
- IBX-1211: Updated content strucutre fieldtypes preview (#2001)
- IBX-1375: Redesigned content preview (#2008)
- IBX-1116: Redesign Calendar move react dropdown to common components (#1998)
- IBX-1301: Redesigned reset password (#2010)
- IBX-1505: Added autosave to COTF in UDW (#63)