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Overview: Simple Search Service

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Simple Search Service is an IBM Cloud app that lets you quickly create a faceted search engine, exposing an API you can use to bring search into your own apps. The service also creates a website that lets you preview the API and test it against your own data as well as manage your data via a simple CMS.

Once deployed, use the browser to upload CSV or TSV data. Specify the fields to facet, and the service handles the rest.

How it works

The application uses these Bluemix services:

  • a Node.js runtime
  • a Cloudant database

Once the data is uploaded, you can use the UI to browse and manage your data via the integrated CMS. Additionally, a CORS-enabled API endpoint is available at <your domain name>/search. The endpoint takes advantage of Cloudant's built-in integration for Lucene full-text indexing. Here's what you get:

  • fielded search - ?q=colour:black+AND+brand:fender
  • free-text search - ?q=black+fender+strat
  • pagination - ?q=black+fender+strat&bookmark=<xxx>
  • faceting
  • sorting - ?sort=color or ?sort=-color for descending

You can use this along with the rest of the API to integrate the Simple Search Service into your apps. For a full API reference, click here.

While this app is a demo to showcase how easily you can build an app on Bluemix using Node.js and Cloudant, it also provides a mature search API that scales with the addition of multiple Simple Search Service nodes. In fact, a similar architecture powers the search experience in the Bluemix services catalog.

A more detailed walkthrough of using Simple Search Service is available here.

Architecture Diagram

Architecture of Simple Search Service

Running the app on IBM Cloud

The fastest way to deploy this application to Bluemix is to click the Deploy to IBM Cloud button below.

Deploy to IBM Cloud

Don't have a IBM Cloud account? If you haven't already, you'll be prompted to sign up for an IBM Cloud account when you click the button. Sign up, verify your email address, then return here and click the the Deploy to IBM Cloud button again. Your new credentials let you deploy to the platform and also to code online with Bluemix and Git. If you have questions about working in Bluemix, find answers in the IBM Cloud Docs.

Manual deployment to IBM Cloud

Manual deployment to IBM Cloud requires git and the Cloud Foundry CLI

$ git clone
$ cf create-service cloudantNoSQLDB Lite simple-search-service-cloudant-service  
$ cd simple-search-service
$ cf push

Running the app locally

Clone this repository then run npm install to add the Node.js libraries required to run the app.

Then create some environment variables that contain your Cloudant URL.

# Cloudant URL

replacing the USERNAME, PASSWORD and HOSTNAME placeholders for your own Cloudant account's details.

Then run:

node app.js

Service Registry

The Simple Search Service utilises Etcd to discover and utilise some of our other Simple Services to extend and improve the service.

Other services that are available to the Simple Search Service are:

Enabling the Service Registry

Enabling the Service Registry requires setting an environment variable, ETCD_URL. This should be the URL of your Etcd instance including any basic HTTP authentication information

export ETCD_URL=''

If the Service Registry is enabled, any discovered services will be displayed on the Services page, with a toggle to enable or disable these services.

Once enabled these services will automatically be integrated into the Simple Search Service.

Lockdown mode

If you have uploaded your content into the Simple Search Service but now want only the /search endpoint to be available publicly, you can enable "Lockdown mode".

Simply set an environment variable called LOCKDOWN to true before running the Simple Search Service:

export LOCKDOWN=true
node app.js

or set a custom environment variable in Bluemix.

When lockdown mode is detected, all web requests will be get a 401 Unauthorised response, except for the /search endpoint which will continue to work. This prevents your data being modified until lockdown mode is switched off again, by removing the environment variable.

If you wish to get access to the Simple Search Service whilst in lockdown mode, you can enable basic HTTP authentication by setting two more environment variables:


When these are set, you are able to bypass lockdown mode by providing a matching username and password. If you access the UI, your browser will prompt you for these details. If you want to access the API you can provide the username and password as part of your request:

curl -X GET 'http://<yourdomain>/row/4dac2df712704b397f1b64a1c8e25033' --user <username>:<password>

API Reference

The Simple Search Service has an API that allows you to manage your data outside of the provided UI. Use this to integrate the SImple Search Service with your applications.


Search is provided by the GET /search endpoint.

Fielded Search

Search on any of the indexed fields in your dataset using fielded search.

# Return any docs where colour=black
GET /search?q=colour:black

Fielded search uses Cloudant Search.

Free-text Search

Search across all fields in your dataset using free-text search.

# Return any docs 'black' is mentioned
GET /search?q=black


Get the next page of results using the bookmark parameter. This is provided in all results from the /search endpoint (see example responses below). Pass this in to the next search (with the same query parameters) to return the next set of results.

# Return the next set of docs where 'black' is mentioned
GET /search?q=black&bookmark=<...>

It is possible to alter the amount of results returned using the limit parameter.

# Return the next set of docs where 'black' is mentioned, 10 at a time
GET /search?q=black&bookmark=<...>&limit=10

Example Response

All searches will respond in the same way.

  "total_rows": 19, // The total number of rows in the dataset
  "bookmark": "g1AAAA...JjFkA0kLVvg", // bookmark, for pagination
  "rows": [  // the rows returned in this response
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... }
  "counts": { // counts of the fields which were selected as facets during import
    "type": {
      "Black": 19
  "_ts": 1467108849821

Get a specific row

A specific row can be returned using it's unique ID, found in the _id field of each row. This is done by using the GET /row/:id endpoint.

GET /row/44d2a49201625252a51d252824932580

This will return the JSON representation of this specific row.

Add a new row

New data can be added a row at a time using the POST /row endpoint.

Call this endpoint passing in key/value pairs that match the fields in the existing data. There are NO required fields, and all field types will be enforced. The request will fail if any fields are passed in that do not already exist in the dataset.

POST /row -d'field_1=value_1&field_n=value_n'

The _id of the new row will be auto generated and returned in the id field of the response.


Update an existing row

Exiting data can be updated using the PUT /row/:id endpoint.

Call this endpoint passing in key/value pairs that match the fields in the existing data - you must also include the _id parameter in the key/value pairs. There are NO required fields, and all field types will be enforced. The request will fail if any fields are passed in that do not already exist in the dataset.

Note: Any fields which are not provided at the time of an update will be removed. Even if a field is not changing, it must always be provided to preserve its value.

The response is similar to that of adding a row, although note that the revision number of the document has increased.


Deleting a row

A specific row can be deleting using it's unique ID, found in the _id field of each row. This is done by using the DELETE /row/:id endpoint.

DELETE /row/44d2a49201625252a51d252824932580

The response is similar to that of editing a row, although again note that the revision number of the document increased once more.


Initializing the index

To programatically delete all data and initialize the index

POST /initialize

including the schema property in the payload defining the following structure

{ "fields": [
      "name": "id",
      "type": "string",
      "example": "example_id",
      "facet": true
      "name": "score",
      "type": "number",
      "example": 8,
      "facet": false
      "name": "tags",
      "type": "arrayofstrings",
      "example": "example_tag_1,example_tag_2",
      "facet": true

> This example defines a schema containing three fields of which two will be enabled for faceted search.

Valid values:

  • Property name: any string
  • Property type: number, boolean, string, arrayofstrings (e.g. val1,val2,val3)
  • Property example: any valid value for this type
  • Property facet: true or false

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Refer to

Disabling Deployment Tracking

For manual deploys, deployment tracking can be disabled by removing require("metrics-tracker-client").track(); from the end of the app.js main server file.


Copyright 2018 IBM Cloud Data Services

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.