Open-source event generator for HNL production from a tau neutrino flux, compatible with IceCube's IceTray analysis software.
This version of LeptonInjector-HNL is compatible with icetray, IceCube's analysis framework, for serialization. Download the reposity, adding LeptonInjector-HNL to the source directory. Then, replace I3Particle.cxx(.h) in dataclasses/pricate(public)/dataclasses/physics with the files of the same name in dataclasses_files. This will allow support for HNL particles within IceTray.
The three-body kinematic distributions of HNL decays were calculated using madgraph, and must be downloaded separately from the Harvard Dataverse here. A bash script for this purpose is provided in the madgraph folder.
Finally, follow installation instructions for icetray.
For help with installation, please contact Julia Book Motzkin (
LeptonInjector-HNL was developed for HNL searches in IceCube, by Leander Fischer ( and Julia Book Motzkin ( on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration.