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Theme for Grav CMS used for publishing SqncBrk. Screenshot


  1. Fonts. Fonts are not included with the theme distribution. SqncBrk uses Museo and Museo Sans by exljbris Font Foundry, and Alternate Gothic Pro by SoftMaker.
  2. Lazyloading. Theme assumes you provide additional lazyloading optimizations with Lazysizes library. Cover images should work without, but content of pages, video covers and iframe-type content is better handled by it. Example plugin.
  3. Cover image. Theme expects to find cover.jpg and (optional) cover.webp in every page folder to create previews.
  4. Frontmatter. Some additional optional frontmatter is used to provide non-standard data, check the following example:
platform: [Windows, macOS, Linux, DSi, 3DS, Wii, GP2X]
release: 2004
developer: Studio Pixel
description: It’s not easy to even start talking about Cave Story without starting to throw out such adjectives like “modern classic” or “cult underground hit”. But there, you have it, I just wrote it and I won’t take it back.
  1. Video covers. Set by videocover: true and providing cover video in the same folder (cover.mp4 and/or cover.webm).
  2. Custom CSS. Set by customcss: true and providing CSS file in the same folder (custom.css). CSS won't be compressed and won't be appended to main theme stylesheets.
  3. Sidenotes. Are created with <aside class="caption">SIDENOTE</aside> following the paragraph they should relate to.
  4. Modifying styles. Theme is authored in SASS (not SCSS), source files are in sass folder, compiled minified CSS and maps in css.