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Lia edited this page Jun 6, 2022 · 22 revisions

All commands begin with /factions (or /f shortcut).

ℹ️ Some commands can only be accessed under certain conditions, such as being factionless for /factions join, or being a Leader or Owner for /factions declare.

❔ This mod supports the Fabric Permissions API. Any permissions marked with this symbol are required to execute that command when the Fabric Permissions API is installed. When the permission is not set, or Fabric Permissions API isn't installed, most commands default to operator permission level 0.


/factions chat [global|faction|focus] 💬 Changes which chat you're currently sending and receiving from.

ℹ️ global sends to everyone on the server, and receives both global and faction chats.

ℹ️ faction sends to only your faction members, and receives both global and faction chats.

ℹ️ focus sends to only your faction members, and receives only your faction chat.

❔ Permissions:

chat example
/factions create <faction name> 💬 Creates a faction with the given name.

❔ Permissions: factions.create

/factions join <faction name> 💬 Joins a faction with that name given it's open or you're invited.

❔ Permissions: factions.join

/factions leave 💬 Leaves your current faction, given that you're not the current owner.

❔ Permissions: factions.leave

/factions info [<faction>] 💬 Displays your/another faction's description, members and power levels.

❔ Permissions:

/factions list 💬 Displays faction members and power levels for every faction.

❔ Permissions: factions.list

/factions map 💬 Displays a map in chat of nearby claims.

❔ Permissions:

/factions radar 💬 Toggles displaying the faction of the chunk you're currently standing inside on the hud.

❔ Permissions: factions.radar

/factions disband 💬 Disbands your current faction, given that you're the owner.

❔ Permissions: factions.disband

Faction Management


/factions claim list 💬 Lists all your faction claims.

❔ Permissions: factions.claim.list

/factions claim add [<size>] [force] 💬 Claims the chunk you're standing in, or a radius around it.

ℹ️ The size parameter is limited to a max of 7 (15x15, 225 chunks).

⚠️ The force parameter will claim chunks, even if you don't have enough power to do so.

❔ Permissions: factions.claim.add, factions.claim.add.size, factions.claim.add.force

/factions claim remove [<size>|all] 💬 Removes the claim on the chunk you're standing in, or a radius around it.

ℹ️ The size parameter is limited to a max of 7 (15x15, 225 chunks).

⚠️ The all parameter will remove all claims!

❔ Permissions: factions.claim.remove, factions.claim.remove.size, factions.claim.remove.all

/factions claim auto 💬 Toggles automatically claiming every chunk you walk in.

❔ Permissions:


/factions home 💬 Warps you to your designated faction home.

❔ Permissions: factions.home

/factions home set 💬 Sets your faction home to your current position.

❔ Permissions: factions.home.set


/factions invite add <player name> 💬 Invites that player to join your faction.

❔ Permissions: factions.invite.add

/factions invite list 💬 Lists all your faction's outgoing invites.

❔ Permissions: factions.invite.list

/factions invite remove <player name> 💬 Removes that player's invite to your faction.

❔ Permissions: factions.invite.remove

Rank/Player Managment

/factions rank promote <player name> 💬 Promotes a player in your faction.

❔ Permissions: factions.rank.promote

/factions rank demote <player name> 💬 Demotes a player in your faction.

❔ Permissions: factions.rank.demote

/factions rank transfer <player name> 💬 Transfers the ownership of the faction to another player.

❔ Permissions: factions.transfer

/factions kick <player name> 💬 Kicks a player out of your faction.

❔ Permissions: factions.kick

Faction Settings

/f modify open <true|false> 💬 Sets your faction to public (true) or invite only (false).

❔ Permissions:

/f modify description <faction description> 💬 Sets your faction description.

❔ Permissions: factions.modify.description

/f modify color <color> 💬 Sets your faction color.

❔ Permissions: factions.modify.color

/f modify motd <motd> 💬 Sets your faction motd.

❔ Permissions: factions.modify.motd

/f modify name <name> 💬 Sets your faction name.

❔ Permissions:


/f declare ally <faction name> 💬 Declares a faction as an ally.

❔ Permissions:

/f declare neutral <faction name> 💬 Declares a faction as neutral.

❔ Permissions: factions.declare.neutral

/f declare enemy <faction name> 💬 Declares a faction as an enemy.

❔ Permissions: factions.declare.enemy


ℹ️ All commands within this category require the requiredBypassLevel operator permission level unless specified otherwise through the Fabric Permission API, see the config for more information.

/f admin bypass 💬 Toggles the ability to bypass other factions' claims.

❔ Permissions: factions.admin.bypass

/f admin reload 💬 Reloads Dynmap markers if it is installed.

❔ Permissions: factions.admin.reload

/f admin disband <faction name> 💬 Disbands a faction without needing to join the faction.

❔ Permissions: factions.admin.disband

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