SVG font to SVG converter
npm install -g svg-caster
svg-caster -h
Usage: svg-caster [options]
--svg-font Path to SVG font file
--ttf-font Path to TTF font file
--eot-font Path to EOT font file
--font-css Path to font CSS file
--font-css-prefix Prefix for icon names in font CSS file
--font-codes-dsv Path to CSV or another DSV format file with font
glyph names
--font-codes-dsv-delimiter Delimiter for DSV file
--svg Path/Pattern to SVG file/files
--svg-set Path/Pattern to SVG set file/files
--out-svg Path to output SVG files folder
--out-svg-set Path to output SVG set file
--svgo Optimize SVG with SVGO
--pretty Prettify output SVG and SVG sets
--pretty-size Size of each icon in pretty output
--pretty-padding Padding around each icon in pretty output
--empty Allow empty SVG images [default: true]
--color Allow colors in SVG [default: true]
--name-parser Name formatter parser regular expression pattern
--name-replace Name formatter replace regular expression pattern
--name-replacement Name formatter replacement
--name-lower Name lower case formatter
--id-uniquify Uniquify identificators in SVG body
-h, --help Show help
svg-caster --svg-font ./font.svg Convert SVG font to SVG files
--svg-font-css ./font.css --out-svg ./
svg-caster --svg-font ./font.svg Convert SVG font to SVG set file
--svg "./svg/*.svg" --out-svg-set ./svg-
svg-caster --svg-set "./one/*.svg" Convert multiple SVG set files to
--svg-set "./two/*.svg" --out-svg-set one
svg-caster --svg "./material- Convert google material design icons
design-icons/*/svg/production/*24px.svg" to SVG set
--out-svg-set "./material-design-icons
.svg" --pretty --svgo --name-parser "^
ic_(.*?)_24px$" --name-replace="_" --
svg-caster (