A simple helper for constraints management in UIKit.
AutoLayouts is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'AutoLayouts'
Init View
Simply init the view and add sub view to parent with
with(parent: <UIVIew>)
lazy var subView = UIView().withParent(parentView)
Add constraint
Just add use
makeConstraint(using: <#T##(LayoutDelegate) -> Void#>)
and fill the closure with LayoutDelegatesubView.makeConstraint { constraint in constraint.leadingAnchor == parentView.leadingAnchor + 8 constraint.topAnchor == parentView.topAnchor + 8 constraint.trailingAnchor == parentView.trailingAnchor - 8 constraint.bottomAnchor == parentView.bottomAnchor - 8 }
Set Height
setWidth(by width: CGFloat)
in extension of UIView to set view heightyourView.setWidth(by width: CGFloat)
Set Width
setHeight(by height: CGFloat)
in extension of UIView to set view heightyoutView.setHeight(by height: CGFloat)
Set Witdh and Height Use
setWidth(_ width: CGFloat, andHeight: CGFloat)
in extension of UIView to set view heightyourView.setWidth(_ width: CGFloat, andHeight: CGFloat)
Availability of Layout delegate property:
- topAnchor
- bottomAnchor
- leftAnchor
- rightAnchor
- leadingAnchor
- trailingAnchor
- centerYAnchor
- centerXAnchor
- widthAnchor
- heightAnchor