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GraphQL development toolset dedicated for rapid API prototyping


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GraphQL Reveal is a toolset dedicated to prototype API/Schema with GraphQL Modules .


Mock your future API or extend the existing API with realistic data from faker.js.

We use @fake directive to let you specify how to fake data. And if 60+ fakers is not enough for you, just use @examples directive to provide examples. Use @listLength directive to specify number of returned array items. Add a directive to any field or custom scalar definition:

type Query {
  employee(id: ID): Employee
  company(id: ID): Company
  companies: [Company!]

type Mutation {
  addEmployee(firstName: String!, lastName: String!): Employee!

type Company {
  id: ID @fake(type: mobileNumber)
  name: String @fake(type:companyName)
  industry: String @examples(values: ["IT", "Manufacturing", "Medicine", "Media"])
  employees: [Employee!] @listLength(min: 5, max: 10)

type Employee {
  id: ID @fake(type: mobileNumber)
  firstName: String @fake(type: firstName, locale:en_CA)
  lastName: String @fake(type: lastName, locale:en_CA)
  address: String @fake(type:streetAddress, options: { useFullAddress: true })
  subordinates: [Employee!] @listLength(min: 0, max: 3)
  company: Company

To use it in GraphQL Modules, import FakeDirectiveModule from graphql-reveal and mock the modules for rapid prototyping.

import 'graphql-import-node';
import { GraphQLModule } from '@graphql-modules/core';
import { FakeDirectiveModule } from '@graphql-reveal/faker';
import * as typeDefs from './sample.graphql';

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    companies(_, __) {
      return [];
    company(_, { id }) {
      return { id };
    employee(_, { id }) {
      return { id };
  Mutation: {
    async addEmployee(_, args) {
      return args;

export const SampleModule = new GraphQLModule({
  name: 'samples',
  imports: [FakeDirectiveModule],


Map your graphql schema to a database like MySQL/PostgreSQL/Sqlite with sequelize. It tries to infer relationships between types, currently supporting belongsTo, hasMany and belongsToMany. It also forms the basic mutations necessary to create, update, and delete objects, as well as assoicate many-to-many relationships.

We use @model directive to let you specify how to map your schema to database models.

type Query {
  findSequelEmployees(where: SequeEmployeeFilter): [SequelEmployee]
  fetchSequelEmployees(next: ID, limit: Int): [SequelEmployee]
  sequelEmployee(id: ID): SequelEmployee
  sequelEmployees: [SequelEmployee]

  findSequelCompanies(where: SequeCompanyFilter): [SequelCompany]
  fetchSequelCompanies(next: ID, limit: Int): [SequelCompany]
  sequelCompany(id: ID): SequelCompany
  sequelCompanies: [SequelCompany]

type Mutation {
  createSequelEmployee(request: SequelEmployeeRequest): SequelEmployee
  updateSequelEmployee(request: SequelEmployeeRequest): SequelEmployee
  deleteSequelEmployee(request: SequelEmployeeRequest): SequelEmployee
  createSequelCompany(request: SequelCompanyRequest): SequelCompany
  updateSequelCompany(request: SequelCompanyRequest): SequelCompany
  deleteSequelCompany(request: SequelCompanyRequest): SequelCompany

type SequelCompany @model(name: "company") {
  id: ID! @primary
  name: String
  industry: String
  employees: [SequelEmployee] @hasMany

type SequelEmployee @model(name: "employee") {
  id: ID! @primary
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  address: String @default(value: "")
  # subordinates: [SequelEmployee] @hasMany
  company: SequelCompany @belongsTo

input SequelCompanyRequest {
  id: ID
  name: String!
  industry: String

input SequelEmployeeRequest {
  id: ID
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!
  address: String
  companyId: ID

input SequeCompanyFilter {
  id: ID
  ids: [ID]
  name: String

input SequeEmployeeFilter {
  id: ID
  ids: [ID]
  firstName: String
  lastName: String

To use it in GraphQL Modules, import SequelDirectiveModule and buildSequelResolvers from @graphql-reveal/sequel and mock the modules for rapid prototyping.

import 'graphql-import-node';
import { GraphQLModule } from '@graphql-modules/core';
import { SequelDirectiveModule, buildSequelResolvers } from '@graphql-reveal/sequel';
import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize';
import * as typeDefs from './type.graphql';
import { seedData } from './seed';

const sequelize = new Sequelize('sqlite::memory:')

function buildCompositionResolver(caseStyle = 'camel') {
  const resolvers = buildSequelResolvers({ typeDefs, sequelize, caseStyle });
  sequelize.sync().then(() => {
    const queryInterface = sequelize.getQueryInterface();
    for (const key of Object.keys(seedData)) {
      queryInterface.bulkInsert(key, seedData[key]);
  return resolvers;

export const SequelExampleModule = new GraphQLModule({
  name: 'SequelExample',
  imports: [
    SequelDirectiveModule.forRoot({ sequelize })
  resolvers: buildCompositionResolver()


GraphQL development toolset dedicated for rapid API prototyping







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