Releases: idaholab/FORCE
This is a prerelease to allow people to check the installer. Note that there are likely problems, so if they are found, please report them as issues. Thank you. Compared to the previous version this has better feedback on the running status of the input, and better workbench integration.
If the force_examples_and_docs is installed from the zip file, the examples/data directory needs to be pointed to by the HERON_DATA environmental variable.
Release includes installers for both Windows and Intel macOS platforms
This is a prerelease to allow people to check the installer. Note that there are likely problems, so if they are found, please report them as issues. Thank you. Compared to the previous version this has better feedback on the running status of the input, and better workbench integration.
If the force_examples_and_docs is installed from the zip file, the examples/data directory needs to be pointed to by the HERON_DATA environmental variable.
Prerelease 0.1pre1
This is a prerelease to allow people to check the installer. Note that there are likely problems, so if they are found, please report them as issues. Thank you.