- Migrate post data & order posts by date.
- Categories.
Only recreate pages that changed.
Blog post migration:
- Hard: /post/sound-design-for-visual-media-tutorial-notes-ep00-ep01
Can we have a link that when you click it auto-copies my Github Repo Link?
- Github -> GitHub.
- Migrate the new posts by hand.
- Contact.
- Form.
- Add content for most pages (except blog).
- Make image for custom 404.
- Review migration.
- Get rid of Buy me a Coffee at the end.
- Fix some YouTube links.
- Zips.
- That most recent blog post that we ignored in the migration:
"/post/de-cluttering-big-projects-with-track-visibility-actions-rapid-fire-reaper-tutorials-ep87": "/blog/rfrt/87"
Atom feed.
Custom 404.
Blog posts presentations:
- Auto-update the list of posts based on the YouTube videos.
- Timeline-based thingy.
- Categories.