ERC library for blockchain Development
In development. More networks, asset's and features are coming...
npm install @idecentralize/erclib
address should be checksumed
// using ethersV6
import {BrowserProvider} from "ethers";
const provider = new BrowserProvider(window.ethereum);
const chainId = (await PROVIDER.getNetwork()).chainId.toString()
- ERC20
- ERC721
Example of the NETWORK object entry
id: 137,
network: "Polygon",
chain: "MATIC",
chainId: 137,
type: "Mainnet",
explorer: "",
color: "#8247e5",
defaultNFT: "0x5265535c7
Show the chain native currency logo
import {IPFS_SVG_PATH, NETWORK} from "@idecentralize/erclib";
<Network src={`${IPFS_SVG_PATH}${NETWORK[chainId].chain}.svg`}/>
const rpc = NETWORK[chainId].rpc
const usdc = "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48";
const decimals = ERC20[chainId][usdc].decimals
const CToken = ERC20[chainId][usdc].compound
const color = ERC20[chainId][usdc].colors
FORKING : network_id should be the chain id return by the provider. When forking the mainnet using hardhat, the network id is 31337 and we want to use the mainnet asset under network id 1.
ERC20[network_id === 31337 ? 1 : network_id][usdc].decimals // output decimals of asset
- Ethereum
- Polygon
- Aurora
- Avanlance
- xDai
- Compound
- Aave
- Yearn v2
Please report any issues!
To add some assets, please submit a PR and provide the new IPFS CID.