Reusable application for Django to protect your apps with OAuth 2.0.
It allows to guard your application views with OAuth 2.0 in quite a trivial way.
- Register your client using Django Admin or API:
from oauthost.toolbox import register_client
# Define some scopes to restrict our client to (if required).
my_scopes = ['polls:vote']
# `user` might be `request.user` if in a view.
register_client('My OAuth Client', 'my_client',
'', user, scopes_list=my_scopes)
- Decorate your views with oauth_required (suppose in polls.views):
from oauthost.decorators import oauth_required
def vote(request, poll_id, variant_id):
- Attach oauthost.urls to project urls (in
from oauthost.urls import urlpatterns as oauthost_urlpatterns
urlpatterns = ... # Your actual urlpatterns are ommited.
urlpatterns += oauthost_urlpatterns
Now authorization endpoint is available at { BASE_URL }auth/ and token endpoint is available at { BASE_URL }token/.
That's all for oauthost, connect using your client.
More information is available, read the docs!