This module provides a Dash component for creating resizable panels. It is based on the
React component.
Here's a two split panels example:
from dash_resizable_panels import PanelGroup, Panel, PanelResizeHandle
from dash import Dash, html
app = Dash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Div([
PanelResizeHandle(html.Div(style={"backgroundColor": "grey", "height": "100%", "width": "5px"})),
style={"backgroundColor": "black", "color": "white"}
], direction='horizontal'
], style={"height": "100vh"})
if __name__ == '__main__':
Note: The PanelResizeHandle
component is required to be placed between each Panel
needs to have a child component so that it can be rendered.
In the example above, the child component is a html.Div
with a grey background color.
Look in to
for a nested panels example.
pip install dash-resizable-panels
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
id | The ID used to identify this component in Dash callbacks | string | |
children | The children of this component. (Should be of the type Panel/PanelResizeHandle) | Dash components | |
direction | The direction of the panels. Can be either horizontal or vertical |
string | horizontal |
className | The class name of the component | string | |
style | The style of the component | dict | |
autoSaveId | The ID used to save the group arrangement via local storage | string |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
id | The ID used to identify this component in Dash callbacks | string | |
children | The children of this component. (Any dash component) | Dash components | |
className | The class name of the component | string | |
defaultSizePixels | The default size of the panel in pixels | int | 0 |
defaultSizePercentage | The default size of the panel as a percentage of the parent panel group | int | 0 |
minSizePixels | The minimum size of the panel in pixels | int | 0 |
minSizePercentage | The minimum size of the panel as a percentage of the parent panel group | int | 0 |
maxSizePixels | The maximum size of the panel in pixels | int | 0 |
maxSizePercentage | The maximum size of the panel as a percentage of the parent panel group | int | 0 |
order | The order of the panel within group; Required for groups with conditionally rendered panels | int | 0 |
collapsible | Whether the panel can be collapsed | bool | False |
collapsedSizePixels | The size of the panel when collapsed | int | 0 |
collapsedSizePercentage | The size of the panel when collapsed as a percentage of the parent panel group | int | 0 |
style | The style of the component | dict |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
id | The ID used to identify this component in Dash callbacks | string | |
children | The children of this component. This will become the handle for resizing. | Dash components | |
className | The class name of the component | string | |
style | The style of the component | dict | |
disable | Whether the resize handle is disabled | bool | False |
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by Brian Vaughn