A set of monochromatic light and dark color schemes for Neovim, inspired by huytd/vscode-github-light-monochrome and Nishantdd/github-monochrome-zed.
Three styles (themes) are available at the moment: light, dark, and tokyonight. Few others variations are planned to be added. Extra themes are included for Alacritty and Ghostty (more on the way).
The project structure follows closely Tokyonight.nvim. Therefore, the theme configuration is very similar, and thanks to this, it allows for a high degree of customization (see bellow).
- Neovim >= 0.8.0
Install with your preferred package manager, or with lazy.nvim:
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
opts = {},
To enable the theme with the default style (i.e., light
) or with the style defined in your custom settings, use:
vim.cmd("colorscheme github-monochrome")
To enable the theme with a specific style, use:
vim.cmd("colorscheme github-monochrome-light")
vim.cmd("colorscheme github-monochrome-dark")
vim.cmd("colorscheme github-monochrome-tokyonight")
The configuration is very similar to that of tokyonight.nivm, with a few less options available, and few more to control styling.
Default Options
style = "light", -- "light", "dark", "tokyonight"
transparent = false,
terminal_colors = true, -- Configure the colors used when opening a `:terminal`
lualine_bold = { a = true, b = false, c = false }, -- make lualine sections a, b, or c bold
styles = {
comments = { italic = true },
keywords = { bold = true },
functions = { bold = true },
statements = { bold = true }, -- e.g., try/except statements, but also if, for, etc.
conditionals = { bold = true }, -- e.g., if statements
loops = { bold = true }, -- e.g., for, while statements
variables = {},
floats = "normal", -- "dark", "transparent" or "normal"
sidebars = "normal", -- "dark", "transparent" or "normal"
--- You can override specific color groups to use other groups or a hex color
---@param colors ColorScheme
--- @param style? "light"|"dark"|"tokyonight"
on_colors = function(colors, style) end,
--- You can override specific highlights to use other groups or a hex color
---@param highlights gm.Highlights
---@param colors ColorScheme
--- @param style? "light"|"dark"|"tokyonight"
on_highlights = function(highlights, colors, style) end,
---@type table<string, boolean|{enabled:boolean}>
plugins = {
-- set to false to manually enable plugins
-- or set to true and then manually disable plugins
all = true,
-- add any plugins that you want to enable/disable from those supported
-- telescope = false,
-- ["indent-blankline"] = false
styles = {
comments = { italic = false },
conditionals = { bold = true },
loops = { bold = true },
variables = {},
floats = "dark",
sidebars = "dark",
on_colors = function(c, s)
-- applies to all styles
-- c.bg = vim.o.background == "light" and c.bg or "#000000"
c.number = c.purple
-- applies to 'light' style only
if s == "light" then
c.bg = "#F4F4F4"
on_highlights = function(hl, c, s)
-- applies to all styles
hl.IblScope = { fg = "#634E89" }
hl.FloatBorder = { fg = c.magenta }
hl.TreesitterContext = { bg = c.none }
hl.TreesitterContextBottom = { underline = true, sp = c.magenta }
-- applies to 'light' style only
if s == "light" then
hl.FloatBorder = { fg = c.red }
Currently, the following plugins are supported (more will be added as needed):
(use the name in parenthesis to enable/disable in config)
- blink.cmp (blink)
- gitsigns.nvim (gitsigns)
- glance.nvim (glance)
- indent-blankline.nvim (indent-blankline)
- mini.pick (mini_pick)
- mini.tabline (mini_tabline)
- neo-tree.nvim (neo-tree)
- noice.nvim (noice)
- nvim-cmp (cmp)
- nvim-notify (notify)
- nvim-tree.lua (nvim-tree)
- nvim-treesitter-context (treesitter-context)
- render-markdown.nvim (render-markdown)
- telescope.nvim (telescope)
- snacks indent (snacks_indent)
- snacks picker (snacks_picker)
- vim-illuminate (illuminate)
- which-key.nvim (which-key)
- folke/tokyonight: made this plugin possible (standing on the shoulders of giants!).
- huytd/vscode-github-light-monochrome: where inspiration came from.
- Nishantdd/github-monochrome-zed: nice tweaking to VSCode's version.
- projekt0n/github-nvim-theme: general reference.