- Request first 10 images (https://picsum.photos/v2/list?page=1&limit=10)
- Save images to the local state and display all images on the homepage (3 images in a row grid)
- Make infinite scroll for the homepage to load more images (page=2,3,4...)
- Add new route for the Image page (/image/id)
- Request detailed information about image (https://picsum.photos/id/{id}}/info)
- Represent detailed information in the markup
- Navigate from "Related Images" to another image details page
- View the original image un the popup with abilities to zoom in/out and close the popup
- You don't need to make some spinners or loaders, just hide content while loading
- Responsive layout will be a plus
- Double click to like image (or suggest the approaches)
- Nice animations will be a plus