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Code Review Practices

Julia Nguyen edited this page Jul 22, 2018 · 23 revisions

As mentioned in our Pull Request Practices, everyone is encouraged to participate in code reviews regardless of experience level. Code reviews are not only helpful for the person's code being reviewed. It's a great learning experience for the reviewer themselves!

Check out our Learning Resources to read up on collaboration best practices and add your recommend resources.

Our Code Review Commandments


  • The Contributor Convenant applies every communication channel we have in our contributor community, code reviews are no exception.
  • Code reviews are a learning experience for all parties involved so be cognizant of that. It's not an opportunity to shame others for knowing something or implementing something a certain way.
  • A lot of back and forth conversations in GitHub can create tension, so we recommend taking the conversation to another place if it's difficult to get your point across or understand something. Examples: one-on-one conversations on Slack or a voice/video call on Google Hangouts.
  • Ask lots of questions as both reviewers and reviewees! Making unconfirmed or false assumptions often leads to the negative repercussions of unconscious bias and conscious bias.
  • Be supportive! Kind gestures like words of encouragement goes a long way.

Code Quality

  • Code must adhere to our Frontend Practices and Backend Practices
  • Test coverage is required and must follow our Automated Testing practices.
  • We set up CircleCI, a continuous integration and delivery tool, to automatically run our tests and Codeclimate in pull requests. To save time, a reviewer does not have to point out syntax errors as the reviewee should update their code to meet Codeclimate's expectations
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