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Contributor Wellbeing

Julia Nguyen edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 5 revisions

As a mental health project, we must acknowledge the utmost importance of putting yourself first. Whether it's emotional, mental, or physical health, we all need to be making time and space to care for ourselves. We recognize that contributing to open source is volunteer work that is unpaid and exerts different kinds of labour (including emotional labour).

If you're unable to contribute to our project or complete an assigned task, it's completely okay and understandable. Let us know on Slack in the appropriate channel. You can also send a private message to @julia. Share as much or as little as you want about what's been going on.

You can always re-join our contributor community at any time and pick up new tasks. You can also use our contributor community on Slack for support if you need it. We have a #community channel for folks to talk about things outside the project. It's a safe and private space where folks are expected to not share personal stories/information outside of the channel. You can also use our app, that's what it's for after all. Reach out to the people, places, and things that can offer you empathy and guidance. Our curated Resources page on our site may be helpful too.

Be kind to yourself and take care 💜

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