There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and benchmarks.
Contains number of benchmarks which may help to check if reflection usage can lead to performance issues in your application. You can easily add your custom metrics if you need to.
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- Some Thoughts
Pre-built binaries are available on GitHub releases page
./bin/java-reflection-jmh -f 1 -i 5 -wf 1 -wi 1 -r 1 -w 1 -to 5
java -cp "./lib/*" org.openjdk.jmh.Main -f 1 -i 5 -wf 1 -wi 1 -r 1 -w 1 -to 5
Getting the full list of available options
./bin/java-reflection-jmh -h
./gradlew build
Built binaries are available then in build/distributions
./gradlew run --args='-f 1 -i 5 -wf 1 -wi 1 -r 1 -w 1 -to 5'
REMEMBER: The numbers below are just data. To gain reusable insights, you need to follow up on why the numbers are the way they are. Use profilers (see -prof, -lprof), design factorial experiments, perform baseline and negative tests that provide experimental control, make sure the benchmarking environment is safe on JVM/OS/HW level, ask for reviews from the domain experts. Do not assume the numbers tell you what you want them to tell.
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
c.g.i.r.j.b.compile.Instance.newInstance avgt 5 5.673 ± 4.094 ns/op
c.g.i.r.j.b.compile.PublicMethodDirectAccess.invoke avgt 5 3.734 ± 1.309 ns/op
c.g.i.r.j.b.other.HashMapBenchmark.put avgt 5 53.841 ± 12.707 ns/op
c.g.i.r.j.b.other.JacksonBenchmark.jacksonMapping avgt 5 324.231 ± 50.151 ns/op
c.g.i.r.j.b.runtime.PrivateMethodReflectionAccess.invoke avgt 5 7.281 ± 1.998 ns/op
c.g.i.r.j.b.runtime.PrivateMethodReflectionAccess.lookup avgt 5 48.090 ± 5.668 ns/op
c.g.i.r.j.b.runtime.PublicMethodReflectionAccess.invoke avgt 5 7.108 ± 2.465 ns/op
c.g.i.r.j.b.runtime.PublicMethodReflectionAccess.lookup avgt 5 44.933 ± 5.771 ns/op
c.g.i.r.j.b.runtime.ReflectionInstance.newInstance avgt 5 58.226 ± 14.992 ns/op
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
c.g.i.r.j.b.compile.Instance.newInstance thrpt 5 174524387.108 ± 74579478.923 ops/s
c.g.i.r.j.b.compile.PublicMethodDirectAccess.invoke thrpt 5 271857082.549 ± 86476389.138 ops/s
c.g.i.r.j.b.other.HashMapBenchmark.put thrpt 5 18483637.476 ± 5696877.833 ops/s
c.g.i.r.j.b.other.JacksonBenchmark.jacksonMapping thrpt 5 3116055.582 ± 175735.272 ops/s
c.g.i.r.j.b.runtime.PrivateMethodReflectionAccess.invoke thrpt 5 139231518.209 ± 44896326.478 ops/s
c.g.i.r.j.b.runtime.PrivateMethodReflectionAccess.lookup thrpt 5 21975964.414 ± 2517669.138 ops/s
c.g.i.r.j.b.runtime.PublicMethodReflectionAccess.invoke thrpt 5 140913668.335 ± 41392437.398 ops/s
c.g.i.r.j.b.runtime.PublicMethodReflectionAccess.lookup thrpt 5 22118062.601 ± 5134828.430 ops/s
c.g.i.r.j.b.runtime.ReflectionInstance.newInstance thrpt 5 17292500.632 ± 3342972.344 ops/s
Benchmarks results are presented on Actions page.
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It seems like method lookup by reflection is the most time-consuming thing when invocation by reflection of a known method is only about three times slower than regular invocation. So if it is critical method lookup can be done once and then method should be stored somewhere. On the other hand penalty of using reflection to invoke method can be ignored.
But always remember:
Premature optimization is the root of all evil