Releases: ignatandrei/AOP_With_Roslyn
v182_CD - export github nuget_2018.08.31.1
automatic AOP from date CD - export github nuget_2018.08.31.1
2018-08-31T06:27:33.6797619Z at 8/30/2018 8:33:53 PM ignatandrei now you can see also how much time takes each method
2018-08-31T06:27:33.6801829Z at 8/29/2018 11:56:48 AM Andrei Ignat code coverage
2018-08-31T06:27:33.6802078Z at 8/28/2018 11:50:16 AM Andrei Ignat git comments in app veyor
2018-08-31T06:27:33.6802955Z at 8/28/2018 11:48:02 AM Andrei Ignat Update appveyor.yml
2018-08-31T06:27:33.6803274Z at 8/28/2018 11:43:41 AM Andrei Ignat Source code link
8/27/2018 6:20:12 AM Andrei Ignat put app veyor test first
8/25/2018 1:39:10 PM Andrei Ignat Create third_party_thankyou
8/23/2018 6:42:08 PM ignatandrei xml comments
v159_CD - export github nuget_2018.08.24.1
automatic AOP from date CD - export github nuget_2018.08.24.1
at 8/23/2018 6:42:08 PM ignatandrei xml comments
at 8/23/2018 6:06:00 AM ignatandrei arrange act assert for a test
at 8/23/2018 5:24:03 AM ignatandrei adding test for extension and repairing a bug
at 8/23/2018 4:59:17 AM ignatandrei adding badges
at 8/23/2018 4:43:31 AM ignatandrei added code coverage
at 8/23/2018 4:20:14 AM ignatandrei adding test for methodmodifier
at 8/22/2018 7:22:23 AM ignatandrei now can log specific methods - public, private, internal ,and so on . See public at at 8/20/2018 7:55:32 AM Andrei Ignat update href to nuget
at 8/19/2018 6:01:07 PM Andrei Ignat Update
at 8/18/2018 4:40:55 AM ignatandrei cosmetic messages
v119_export github nuget_2018.08.18.3
at 8/18/2018 4:40:55 AM ignatandrei cosmetic messages
at 8/18/2018 4:38:05 AM ignatandrei cosmetic try catch
at 8/16/2018 2:56:30 PM Andrei Ignat depshield badge is not for .net
at 8/16/2018 9:19:21 AM Andrei Ignat put depshield
at 8/16/2018 5:36:03 AM ignatandrei cosmetic changes : warnings as errors
at 8/16/2018 3:21:13 AM ignatandrei building recursive this project
AOP on 2018 08 16
at 8/16/2018 3:21:13 AM ignatandrei building recursive this project
at 8/16/2018 3:13:28 AM ignatandrei more clear messages
at 8/16/2018 3:03:04 AM ignatandrei adding red formatting to the console output
at 8/16/2018 2:52:12 AM ignatandrei formatter for arrays
at 8/16/2018 2:42:49 AM ignatandrei modified default process me to have exception handling
at 8/11/2018 5:40:20 PM ignatandrei more help provided
AOP on 2018 08 11
automatic AOP from date : 2018 08 11
vroslyn aop-ASP.NET Core-CI_2018.8.6.6
added processing and undo comments