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(WIP) This project contains the source code of a gRPC API example application.


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Campsite Bookings API (Go)

ci Go Report Card codecov

Table of Contents

Technical Task

Booking Constraints

  • The campsite can be reserved for a maximum of 3 days.
  • The campsite can be reserved a minimum of 1 day(s) ahead of arrival and up to 1 month in advance.
  • Reservations can be canceled anytime.
  • For the sake of simplicity, assume the check-in & check-out time is 12:00 AM.

System Requirements

  • The users will need to find out when the campsite is available. So, the system should expose an API to provide information on the availability of the campsite for a given date range, with the default being 1 month.
  • Provide an endpoint for reserving the campsite. The user will provide his/her email & full name at the time of reserving the campsite along with the intended arrival date and departure date. Return a unique booking identifier to the caller if the reservation succeeds.
  • The unique booking identifier can be used to modify or cancel the reservation later on. Provide appropriate endpoint (s) to allow modification/cancellation of an existing reservation.
  • Due to the popularity of the campsite, there is a high likelihood of multiple users attempting to reserve the campsite for the same/overlapping date(s). Demonstrate with appropriate test cases that the system can gracefully handle concurrent requests to reserve the campsite.
  • Provide appropriate error messages to the caller to indicate the error cases.
  • The system should be able to handle a large volume of requests to determine campsite availability.
  • There are no restrictions on how reservations are stored as long as system constraints are not violated.

Implementation Details

Technologies used:

TODO: elaborate on implementation details

Project Setup


  1. Git, see this guide on how to install Git.
  2. Make
  3. Go (version >= 1.22), see this guide on how to install Go.

Clone the project and install the necessary tools(protoc, mockery, golines, goimports, gofumpt, golangci-lint):

$ git clone
$ cd campsite-booking-go
$ make install-tools

If you use either IntelliJ IDEA or GoLand IDEs, follow this guide to configure it.

⚠️ Please note that all commands listed below should be executed from the project's root.

Up & Running Locally

Run with IntelliJ/GoLand IDE

  • Go to Run | Edit Configurations... and create a new Run/Debug configuration for the Campgrounds API as follows:

Run with IDE Config

  • Start a PostgreSQL DB instance using Docker Compose:
$ docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml -p campsite-booking-go up -d postgres 
  • Verify the health status of the running postgres container:
$ docker inspect --format="{{.State.Health.Status}}" postgres
  • If the output is healthy, launch the Run/Debug configuration created in the previous step.

Run with Docker Compose

  • Start PostgreSQL DB and Campgrounds API instances using Docker Compose:
$ docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml -p campsite-booking-go up -d 

Run with Kubernetes


$ go install$latest
$ kind version
$ curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
$ curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
$ echo "$(cat kubectl.sha256)  kubectl" | sha256sum --check
$ sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
$ kubectl version --client

  1. Spin up a 3-node cluster:
$ make cluster-deploy
# which is equivalent of
$ kind create cluster --name local-k8s --config ./k8s/kind-config.yaml
$ kubectl cluster-info --context kind-local-k8s
  1. Deploy PostgreSQL DB, Campgrounds API, and Envoy proxy:
$ make all-deploy
# which is equivalent of
# db-deploy
$ kubectl create secret generic postgres-secret --from-literal=POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
$ kubectl create secret generic campgrounds-secret --from-literal=CAMPGROUNDS_PASSWORD=campgrounds_pass
$ kubectl create configmap initdb-config --from-file=./db/init/
$ kubectl apply -f ./k8s/postgres.yaml
# api-deploy
$ kubectl apply -f ./k8s/campgrounds.yaml
# proxy-deploy:
$ kubectl create configmap envoy-config --from-file=./k8s/envoy-config.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f ./k8s/envoy.yaml
  1. Verify the status of created pods:
$ kubectl get pods 
# which may look like this
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
campgrounds-796fff564f-dgfsm   1/1     Running   2 (81s ago)   89s
campgrounds-796fff564f-qj44x   1/1     Running   2 (81s ago)   89s
campgrounds-796fff564f-vqfjz   1/1     Running   3 (61s ago)   89s
envoy-9dbcd5c66-h4p9v          1/1     Running   0             89s
postgres-0                     1/1     Running   0             2m13s
  1. Use the port-forward command to forward Envoy’s port 8080 to localhost:8080 to test the Campgrounds services:
$ PROXY_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --selector=app=envoy -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
$ kubectl port-forward "$PROXY_POD_NAME" 8080:8080


Unit & Integration

  1. Execute only unit tests:
$ make test
# which is equivalent of
$ go test -race ./internal/...
  1. Execute only integration tests:
$ make test-integration
# which is equivalent of
$ go test -tags=integration ./internal/...



$ go install
$ grpcurl -version

  1. List the services present on the gRPC server:
$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8085 list
# output
  1. List all the RPC endpoints the campgroundspb.v1.CampgroundsService contains:
$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8085 describe campgroundspb.v1.CampgroundsService
# output
campgroundspb.v1.CampgroundsService is a service:
service CampgroundsService {
  rpc CancelBooking ( .campgroundspb.v1.CancelBookingRequest ) returns ( .campgroundspb.v1.CancelBookingResponse );
  rpc CreateBooking ( .campgroundspb.v1.CreateBookingRequest ) returns ( .campgroundspb.v1.CreateBookingResponse );
  rpc CreateCampsite ( .campgroundspb.v1.CreateCampsiteRequest ) returns ( .campgroundspb.v1.CreateCampsiteResponse );
  rpc GetBooking ( .campgroundspb.v1.GetBookingRequest ) returns ( .campgroundspb.v1.GetBookingResponse );
  rpc GetCampsites ( .campgroundspb.v1.GetCampsitesRequest ) returns ( .campgroundspb.v1.GetCampsitesResponse );
  rpc GetVacantDates ( .campgroundspb.v1.GetVacantDatesRequest ) returns ( .campgroundspb.v1.GetVacantDatesResponse );
  rpc UpdateBooking ( .campgroundspb.v1.UpdateBookingRequest ) returns ( .campgroundspb.v1.UpdateBookingResponse );
  1. Get a gRPC message definition, for example for campgroundspb.v1.GetBookingRequest:
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8085 describe campgroundspb.v1.GetBookingRequest
# output
campgroundspb.v1.GetBookingRequest is a message:
message GetBookingRequest {
  string booking_id = 1 [(.buf.validate.field) = { string: { uuid: true } }];
  1. Create a campsite:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d \
    '{"campsite_code": "CAMP01", "capacity": 4, "drinking_water": true, "fire_pit": true, "picnic_table": true, "restrooms": false}' \
    localhost:8085 campgroundspb.v1.CampgroundsService/CreateCampsite
# output
  "campsiteId": "07df7f35-9c7a-4b10-a702-66844a7ec08c"
  1. Get campsites:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{}' localhost:8085 campgroundspb.v1.CampgroundsService/GetCampsites
# output
  "campsites": [
      "campsiteId": "07df7f35-9c7a-4b10-a702-66844a7ec08c",
      "campsiteCode": "CAMP01",
      "capacity": 4,
      "drinkingWater": true,
      "picnicTable": true,
      "firePit": true,
      "active": true
  1. Create a booking:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d \
    '{"campsite_id": "07df7f35-9c7a-4b10-a702-66844a7ec08c", "email": "", "full_name": "John Smith", "start_date": "2024-09-09", "end_date": "2024-09-12"}' \
    localhost:8085 campgroundspb.v1.CampgroundsService/CreateBooking
# output
  "bookingId": "692abbc0-5457-4f2b-8a6e-061ba2e5dd90"
  1. Get a booking:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d \
    '{"booking_id": "692abbc0-5457-4f2b-8a6e-061ba2e5dd90"}' \
    localhost:8085 campgroundspb.v1.CampgroundsService/GetBooking
# output
  "booking": {
    "bookingId": "692abbc0-5457-4f2b-8a6e-061ba2e5dd90",
    "campsiteId": "07df7f35-9c7a-4b10-a702-66844a7ec08c",
    "email": "",
    "fullName": "John Smith",
    "startDate": "2024-09-09",
    "endDate": "2024-09-12",
    "active": true
  1. Create a booking that does not meet the booking constraints, for example a maximum stay of three days:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d \
    '{"campsite_id": "07df7f35-9c7a-4b10-a702-66844a7ec08c", "email": "", "full_name": "John Smith", "start_date": "2024-09-15", "end_date": "2024-09-20"}' \
    localhost:8085 campgroundspb.v1.CampgroundsService/CreateBooking
# output
  Code: InvalidArgument
  Message: booking validation: 1 error occurred:
        * maximum stay: must be less or equal to three days


(WIP) This project contains the source code of a gRPC API example application.







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