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(WIP) Elements of Programming Interviews in Go

Interview problems and solutions presented in this repository are based on the Elements of Programming Interviews.

Useful resources

Table of Contents

Primitive Types

Useful Resources

Know Your Primitive Types

You should know very well Go's basic types, namely, boolean, numeric, and string. You should also know the utility methods for numeric types in math package.

  • Be very familiar with the bit-wise operators such as 6&4, 1|2, 8>>1, -16>>2, 1<<10, 15^10, 4&^3 and key methods in the math/bits package.
  • Know the constants from the math package denoting the maximum and minimum values for numeric types, e.g., math.MaxInt, math.MaxFloat32, math.MinInt.
  • The key methods for numeric types are math.Abs(-2), math.Ceil(1.49), math.Floor(1.51), math.Min(-2, -4), math.Max(3.14, 5.16), math.Pow(2, 3), and math.Sqrt(25).
  • Know about explicit type conversion between different numeric types, e.g. float64(42), byte(20), numeric types to string, e.g., strconv.Itoa(12), string to numeric types, e.g., strconv.Atoi("41").
  • Be familiar with the key functions in the math/rand package.



Useful Resources

Know Your Array Libraries

The base array type in Go has a fixed size, and its length is part of its type. Arrays are rarely used directly in Go due to their rigidity. On the other hand, the slice type which is backed by an underlying array is more flexible because the length is not part of its type. Therefore, slices are more common than arrays. Use arrays when you know the exact length you need ahead of time.

  • Know the syntax for allocating and initializing an array, i.e., [3]int, [3]int{10, 20, 30}, [...]int{10, 20, 30}, [12]int{1, 5: 4, 6, 10: 100, 15}.
  • Arrays can be compared using == and != operators.
  • Know how to allocate a 2D array, e.g., [2][3]int.
  • Array's length can be obtained using the len built-in function.
  • Know the syntax for allocating and initializing a slice, e.g., []int, []int{}, []int{10, 20, 30}, []int{1, 5: 4, 6, 10: 100, 15}.
  • Know how to allocate a 2D slice, e.g., [][]int.
  • Know the difference between allocating a slice using the new and make functions.
  • Be familiar with slice expressions, e.g., x[:2], x[1:], x[1:3], x[:].
  • Key built-in functions for slices include len, cap, append, copy.
  • Know how to compare slices using bytes.Equals for []byte slices and reflect.DeepEqual for testing purposes.
  • Be familiar with the functions in the sort package, e.g., sort.Ints, sort.Float64s, sort.Strings.



Useful Resources

Know Your String Libraries

  • Know operators for manipulating strings: compare(==, !=), order(>, >=, <, <=), and concatenate(+).
  • Important to remember that strings in Go are immutable.
  • Know that index expressions to extract a single value, i.g., s[4], and slice expressions to extract substrings, e.g., s[3:5], s[:8], s[2:], can be used only for strings containing characters that take up one byte, e.g., ASCII characters.
  • Know what code point(rune) is, and how to iterate through code points in a given string using the range clause.
  • Know how to do conversions between strings, runes, and bytes.
  • Be familiar with the functions in the strings and unicode/utf8 packages, e.g., strings.ToUpper, strings.Contains, strings.Join, strings.Split, strings.ReplaceAll.


  • Interconvert strings and integers
  • Base conversion
  • Compute the spreadsheet column encoding
  • Replace and remove, tests
  • Test palindromicity, tests
  • Reverse all the words in a sentence
  • Compute all mnemonics for a phone number
  • The look-and-say problem
  • Convert from Roman to decimal
  • Compute all valid IP addresses, tests
  • Write a string sinusoidally
  • Implement run-length encoding
  • Find the first occurrence of a substring

Linked Lists


Know Your Linked Lists Libraries


  • Merge two sorted lists
  • Reverse a single sublist
  • Test for cyclicity
  • Test for overlapping lists - lists are cycle-free
  • Test for overlapping lists - lists may have cycles
  • Delete a node from a singly linked list
  • Remove the kth last element from a list
  • Remove duplicates from a sorted list
  • Implement cyclic right shift for singly linked lists
  • Implement even-odd merge
  • Test whether a singly linked list is palindromic
  • Implement list pivoting
  • Add list-based integers

Stacks and Queues


Know Your Queue Libraries

Know Your Stack Libraries


  • Implement a stack with max API
  • Evaluate RPN expressions
  • Test a string over {,},(,),[,] for well-formedness
  • Normalize path names
  • Compute buildings with a sunset view
  • Compute binary tree nodes in order of increasing depth
  • Implement a circular queue
  • Implement a queue using stacks
  • Implement a queue with max API

Binary Trees



  • Test if a binary tree is height-balanced
  • Test if a binary tree is symmetric
  • Compute the lowest common ancestor in a binary tree
  • Compute the LCA when nodes have parent pointers
  • Sum the root-to-leaf paths in a binary tree
  • Find a root to leaf path with specified sum
  • Implement an inorder traversal without recursion
  • Implement a preorder traversal without recursion
  • Compute the kth node in an inorder traversal
  • Compute the successor
  • Implement an inorder traversal with O(1) space .
  • Reconstruct a binary tree from traversal data
  • Reconstruct a binary tree from a preorder traversal with markers
  • Form a linked list from the leaves of a binary tree .
  • Compute the exterior of a binary tree .
  • Compute the right sibling tree .



Know Your Heap Libraries


  • Merge sorted files
  • Sort an increasing-decreasing array
  • Sort an almost-sorted array
  • Compute the k closest stars
  • Compute the median of online data .
  • Compute the k largest elements in a max-heap



Know Your Searching Libraries


  • Search a sorted array for first occurrence of k
  • Search a sorted array for entry equal to its index
  • Search a cyclically sorted array
  • Compute the integer square root
  • Compute the real square root
  • Search in a 2D sorted array
  • Find the min and max simultaneously
  • Find the kth largest element
  • Find the missing IP address
  • Find the duplicate and missing elements

Hash Tables


Know Your Hash Tables Libraries


  • Test for palindromic permutations
  • Is an anonymous letter constructible?
  • Implement an ISBN cache
  • Compute the LCA, optimizing for close ancestors
  • Find the nearest repeated entries in an array
  • Find the smallest subarray covering all values
  • Find the smallest subarray sequentially covering all values
  • Find the longest subarray with distinct entries
  • Find the length of a longest contained interval
  • Compute all string decompositions
  • Test the Collatz conjecture
  • Implement a hash function for chess



Know Your Sorting Libraries


  • Compute the intersection of two sorted arrays
  • Merge two sorted arrays
  • Remove first-name duplicates
  • Smallest non-constructible value
  • Render a calendar
  • Merging intervals
  • Compute the union of intervals
  • Partitioning and sorting an array with many repeated entries
  • Team photo day-1
  • Implement a fast sorting algorithm for lists
  • Compute a salary threshold

Binary Search Trees


Know Your Binary Search Tree Libraries


  • Test if a binary tree satisfies the BST property
  • Find the first key greater than a given value in a BST
  • Find the k largest elements in a BST
  • Compute the LCA in a BST
  • Reconstruct a BST from traversal data
  • Find the closest entries in three sorted arrays
  • Enumerate numbers of the form a + b√2
  • Build a minimum height BST from a sorted array
  • Test if three BST nodes are totally ordered
  • The range lookup problem
  • Add credits



Know Your Recursion Libraries


  • The Towers of Hanoi problem
  • Generate all non-attacking placements of n-Queens
  • Generate permutations
  • Generate the power set
  • Generate all subsets of size k
  • Generate strings of matched parens
  • Generate palindromic decompositions
  • Generate binary trees
  • Implement a Sudoku solver
  • Compute a Gray code

Dynamic Programming


Know Your Dynamic Programming Libraries


  • Count the number of score combinations
  • Compute the Levenshtein distance
  • Count the number of ways to traverse a 2D array
  • Compute the binomial coefficients
  • Search for a sequence in a 2D array
  • The knapsack problem
  • The problem
  • Find the minimum weight path in a triangle
  • Pick up coins for maximum gain
  • Count the number of moves to climb stairs
  • The pretty printing problem
  • Find the longest non-decreasing subsequence

Greedy Algorithms and Invariants


Know Your Greedy Algorithms and Invariants Libraries


  • Compute an optimum assignment of tasks
  • Schedule to minimize waiting time
  • The interval covering problem
  • The 3-sum problem
  • Find the majority element
  • The gasup problem
  • Compute the maximum water trapped by a pair of vertical lines
  • Compute the largest rectangle under the skyline



Know Your Graphs Libraries


  • Search amaze
  • Paint a Boolean matrix
  • Compute enclosed regions
  • Deadlock detection
  • Clone a graph
  • Making wired connections
  • Transform one string to another
  • Team photo day-2

Parallel Computing


Know Your Parallel Computing Libraries


  • Implement caching for a multi-threaded dictionary
  • Analyze two unsynchronized interleaved threads
  • Implement synchronization for two interleaving threads
  • Implement a thread pool
  • Deadlock
  • The readers-writers problem
  • The readers-writers problem with write preference
  • Implement a Timer class
  • Test the Collatz conjecture in parallel