is a professional SocialFi app empowered with self-sovereign identity.
- Run
yarn && yarn build
to install all the dependencies andyarn prepare
to setup Typia validation library (only first time) - Run
yarn back-dev
to start your BackEnd dev environment (make sure to copy packages/backend/secrets-backend-local.json.example as secrets-backend-local.json) - Run
yarn front-dev
to start your FrontEnd dev environment (make sure to copy packages/frontend/.env.example as .env.json) OR - Run
yarn dev
to start both back and front dev environments
This project uses a posgreSQL DB, one sample instance could be run with docker compose up -d postgres
inside packages/backend.
It can then be accessed directly with psql -U dev_user -h localhost -p 5432 -d coredin_dev_db
Migrations can be generated from backend package with yarn typeorm:generate db/migrations/<Migration description>
and ran with yarn typeorm:migrate
This project is built with the following open source libraries, frameworks and languages. It uses typescript.
Tech | Description |
------ | ------ React Frontend Environment ------ |
Vite JS | Next Generation Frontend Tooling |
------ | ------ Backend Framework ------ |
Nest JS | A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable and scalable server-side applications |
TypeORM | Typescript-first Object Relational Mapper (ORM) module for NestJS to easily work with PostgreSQL |
Nestia | Simple and efficient data typing and input validation library |
------ | ------ CSS Framework ------ |
Chakra | A simple, modular and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications |
------ | ------ CosmWASM Development Environment ------ |
TODO | RUST stuff for the contracts development environment for professionals |
yarn workspace @coredin/backend add (package-name)
yarn workspace @coredin/frontend add (package-name)
yarn docker
docker build --file vault.Dockerfile --tag coredin/vault:latest .
docker tag coredin/vault:latest $COREDIN_ECR_URL/coredin/vault:x86
aws ecr get-login-password --region $COREDIN_AWS_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $COREDIN_ECR_URL
docker push $COREDIN_ECR_URL/coredin/vault:x86
aws ecs update-service --cluster coredin-vault-cluster --service coredin-vault-service --force-new-deployment
1. Run the openbao vault with the docker compose in packagaes/backend
2. Initialize the vault with `bao operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1` (run directly inside the running container, if you get a permission denied issue run `chmod -R 777 /vault` first)
3. Store the generated root access token and unseal key
4. Add the root access token to secrets_backend_local.json
5. Unseal the vault with `bao operator unseal` inside the running docker
6. Log into the vault with `bao login token=..`
7. Enable transit secrets engine with `bao secrets enable transit`