A graphing calculator, based on evaluating JavaScript expressions!
This is not a secure application. I do not suggest deploying it in a multi-user environment.
You can access the calculator here, and the default functions can be seen on Desmos here.
Original calculator on Khan Academy here!
- Parabola
- Sine wave
- 1st and 2nd derivatives in a range
- Smooth rolling wave
- Function gen. waves
- Rolling noise (pt.2)
- Stretchy sine wave
- Oscillating-oscillating trig. functions
- Square-sine wave
- Squeezing squeeze function
- Clock (hr., min., sec. from 0 to 6)
- x^x thingies
- Trig chaos
Make a pull request if you want to add your function here!
This is not actually better than Desmos. Desmos is great; this is just a for-fun project. 😊