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Extract a game or application dumped from braindump in .cxi format

ihaveamac edited this page Jul 27, 2016 · 2 revisions

This guide explains how you can extract the contents out of a game or application, using a CTR Executable Image (CXI) that was dumped with the braindump homebrew application.


  • A CXI from braindump
  • ctrtool
    If you are not using a 64-bit operating system, you must build the source yourself for now.
  • Basic knowledge of the Terminal/Command Line


Note: Ignore the "Error, exheader hash mismatch. Wrong key?" error message.

  1. Put your CXI in its own folder.
  2. Extract the contents of the CXI. For example, to extract the ExeFS and RomFS:
ctrtool --exefs=exefs.bin --romfs=romfs.bin game.cxi

Explanation of possible arguments for this situation:

  • --exefs=file - File to save the ExeFS to
  • --romfs=file - File to save the RomFS to
  1. Extract the contents of the ExeFS. For example:
ctrtool -t exefs --exefsdir=exefs --decompresscode exefs.bin

Explanation of possible arguments for this situation:

  • -t or --type - Type of file (oddly required for extracting ExeFS, but not other types?)
  • --exefsdir=dir - Directory to save the ExeFS contents to
  • --decompresscode - Decompress code.bin
  1. Extract the contents of the RomFS. For example:
ctrtool --romfsdir=romfs romfs.bin

Explanation of possible arguments for this situation:

  • --romfsdir=dir - Directory to save the RomFS contents to
  • --listromfs - List RomFS contents
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