To use the full simulator within omnetpp (so with cosima) you have to clone cosima (see cosima repo) and place "graphs" and "mosaik_sim" directories in the "cosima_core" directory, to then build with the slightly modified Dockerfile provided in this repository using: docker build -t :latest .
Then, once the container of cosima is built (with the modified Dockerfile and with inside our two directories), it's time to run it (mounting mosaik_sim directory to avoid losing changes in the code, or even mounting all "models" directory if also changes in the network are required):
docker run -v /cosima/cosima_core/mosaik_sim:/root/models/cosima_core/mosaik_sim -p 2222:22 --privileged --cgroupns=host sim
To then being able to use Gurobi you have to copy your gurobi.lic in the home dir: cp gurobi.lic ~
It is then suggested to create an alias for closing the 4242 port (cosima leaves it open if the program is not properly closed): sudo apt install lsof & alias x='sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i :4242)'
To launch the simulator with a preferred network you can just build both the graph (with the provided py tools or manually) and its network (using mosaik.ini and ned files, as stated both in cosima documentation and in the report below). Then you have to either launch cosimaWorld or cosimaWorldChanging (after defining some dynamic changes in /scenario_config in the root directory)
This is the detailed report:
NOTE: If your network is really big and you finish the ports, increase EPHEMERAL_PORTRANGE_END in inet4/src/inet/transportlayer/tcp/Tcp.h and recompile INET (see Dockerfile comment under INET).