To find most occurring quartet over a long input such as content of book,play or research paper .
INTRODUCTION: This project will accept a file as an input. The file will contain many strings in which we have to find most occurring quartet. The file contents can be in lower case or uppercase and may contains digits also. Our Aim is to find out most occurring quartet in the file. Quartet contains four words no comma, dot, colon , semicolon, question mark sign is present, etc. b/w them if there treat it as space.
Simply compile using any compiler and provide the path of file as input or drag and drop file in the output screen/console.
This program takes a file as input. We defined two structure 1st structure (para) will store each word in individual object and 2nd structure (quartet) will store only those quartet which occurs more than one times. When we have stored those entire quartets which are having more than one occurrence then we are finding the quartet having maximum no of occurrences. Then we are printing those quartets. In this program we defined a function find which will find the no of occurrences of a quartet and then we are storing that into structure object of quartet.