An unofficial .NET API Wrapper for RaiBlocks RPC Protocol (
Stable build will be available soon on NuGet.
In order to compile RaiBlocks.Net, you require the following:
// Insert your node URI
var node = new RaiBlocksRpc("http://localhost:7076/");
var address = new RaiAddress("xrb_3e3j5tkog48pnny9dmfzj1r16pg8t1e76dz5tmac6iq689wyjfpi00000000");
var res = await _node.GetBalanceAsync(address);
// Insert your node URI
var node = new RaiBlocksRpc("http://localhost:7076/");
// Insert next deterministic key in wallet
var res = await _node.CreateAccountAsync("000D1BAEC8EC208142C99059B393051BAC8380F9B5A2E6B2489A277D81789F3F");
If you like what you see, feel free to send me some XRB: xrb_3gheyy3ud6k168c57hyjwnrkiyqubpod9symzdcazxzi8n1at4j9yt859of9