This is a project to develop C compiler, which converts source codes into assembly. This compiler imitates mostly 9cc, developed by Rui Ueyama and I follow his website:
This C compiler is written by C, so my current goal is compiling itself.
I develop this compiler incrementally. In other words, I write code of tokenizer, parser, and code generator little by little when I add a new feature.
"ycc" is named after my name.
- Clone this repo.
$ git clone
$ cd ycc
- Build the project.
$ make ycc
- Test(test result will be shown).
$ make test
- Compile and run C source code.
$ ./ FILE(*.c)
Expression | Meaning |
Repeat A more than 0 times |
( |
Grouping |
program = definition*
define_func = identifier "(" params? ")" "{" stmt * "}"
params = expr ("," expr)*
stmt = expr ";"
| "{" stmt* "}"
| "if" "(" equality ")" stmt ("else" stmt)?
| "while "(" equality ")" "{" stmt* "}"
| "return" expr ";"
| decl_var ";"
expr = assign
assign = or "="? assign
or = and "||"? and
and = equality "&&"? equality
equality = relational ("==" relational | "!=" relational)*
relational = add ("<" add | "<=" add | ">" add | ">= add)*
add = mul ("+" mul | "-" mul)
mul = unary ("*" unary | "/" unary)*
unary = "+" term
| "-" term
| "!" or
| "&" unary
| "*" unary
| term
term = num | identifier ("(" params? ")")? | "(" expr ")"
decl_var = type identifier