Currently the gem provides read only access to the prtg api.
The later version should also be able to modify and create objects.
- /api/table.xml - Property/Status of Multiple Objects
- /api/historicdata.xml - Historic Data
- /api/getpasshash.htm - Passhash for later authentications
- /api/getobjectproperty.htm - Get object property/setting
- /api/getobjectstatus.htm - Get object status
- /api/getsensordetails.xml - Get details about a sensor
- /api/getstatus.xml - Get number of alarms,messages, etc.
- /api/rename.htm - Rename an object
- /api/setpriority.htm - Set priority of an object
- /apisetobjectproperty.htm - Change properties of objects
- /api/pause.html - Pause object
- /api/pauseobjectfor.html - Pause object for a given time
- /api/simulate.htm - Pause and simulate an error state
- /api/acknowledgealarm.htm - Ackknowledge an error
- /api/scannow.htm - Scan a sensor now
- /api/discovernow.htm - Run Auto Discovery for an object
- /api/setposition.htm - Move object in sensor tree
- /api/reportaddsensor.htm - Add object to a report
- /api/notificationtest.htm - Test a notification
- /api/deleteobject.htm - Delete an object
- /api/duplicateobject.htm - Duplicate a object
- /chart.svg/png - Live Sensor Graphs
Instantiate new client
require "prtg"
config = {}
config[:host] = HOST, PORT
config[:host].use_ssl = true
config[:host].verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
config[:username] = USERNAME
config[:passhash] = PASSHASH
client =
Fetch name and objid of all sensors
client.table.content(:sensors).columns(:objid, :name)
Fetch name and objid of all sensors which have a given tag
.columns(:objid, :name)\
Get only the first
Get only the second
- Now historic data can be queried
- Client#live_data is deprecated and will be removed in the next version. The new api now maps the api's url pattern.
- Change the query 'objid' to 'id'. This reacts to changes in Prtg api version
- Add Accept-Encoding header to API calls. Otherwise Prtg version seems to faulty compress response data.