Welcome to the Loan Prediction Website project! This project aims to create a web application that predicts whether a loan will be approved based on user input data. The project leverages machine learning algorithms and various libraries to deliver accurate predictions.
Table of Contents Overview Technologies Used Usage Dataset Web Application
The Loan Prediction and Credit Classification Website uses a machine learning model to predict the likelihood of loan approval and classify your credit score into 3 different categories i.e, standard, good and excellent .
It is built with the following technologies: Machine Learning: For predictive modeling Front-End: HTML and CSS for the web interface Back-End: TensorFlow and Keras for model development and Scikit-learn for data processing Features User-friendly web interface for inputting data Real-time loan approval predictions Data visualization for better insights Easy integration with other systems Technologies Used Python: Core programming language Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis TensorFlow & Keras: For building and training the machine learning model Scikit-learn: For additional machine learning tools and techniques Matplotlib: For data visualization HTML, CSS & JavaScript: For the front-end design Django: As a framework for back-end processing
- Download Model by click here
- Extract File
- Add the model file to Path
- (Optional) Creat a Virtual Environment Learn to Make Virtual Environment
- Now open the terminal and go to the Repo Folder.
- Run these Comand in the Termial
- To install all Required Package
pip install -r requirement.txt
python manage.py makemigration python manage.py migrate python manage.py collectstatic python manage.py runserver
To start the web application, run the following command:
python manage.py runserver
Open your web browser and navigate to to access the application.
The dataset used for training the model is available on youdata.ai. Please download the dataset and place it in the data directory of the project. Cradit Classification
Web Application
The web application is built using Django. It provides a simple interface for users to input their data and receive a loan prediction.