This script can be used to inject native shared libraries into debuggable Android applications. It was mainly developed for injecting the Frida gadget library on non-rooted devices.
The script can inject any library, however in this example we will be injecting Frida gadget.
- Download the correct gadget for your architecture (arm/arm64/x86/x86_64) from
- On your device go to Developer options, "Select debug app" and select the desired application.
- In the same screen, enable the "Wait for debugger" option
- Start the application you want to inject the library into - this will pause waiting for a debugger to be connected.
- On your shell, run
or similar.
For more information, please visit
This script is based on jdwp-shellifier by @_hugsy_, modified to facilitate library loading. The original README of jdwp-shellifier is at Also included: a simple orchestration shell script to be used by end users.