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Choose Film For Me



This is a website for voting on a movie for joint viewing with your favorite content creator. The site has three roles: Voting Host, Voter and Admin. Voting Host and Voter have points (which, ideally, should be transferred from the Twitch account, but due to the problems, points would be manually added from the admin panel, which is available to the Admin). Voting Hosts will be able to create a voting session, after which a unique Session-ID will be generated, which the hosts must share with their voters, and they can join the session. Each voter can write down the movie they would like to watch and the number of points they are willing to spend on it. When the host decides that the voting should end, they can spin the roulette, where the chances of winning for a movie depend on the number of votes for that movie. You can also see information about film (for this purpose, third-party APIs are used). All actions on the site will require user authentication, for this purpose, endpoints for registration and login will be available (they will not be protected by authentication).


  • Java 21


  • Database: SQLite
  • Frameworks: Spring Boot, Spring Web, Spring Security, H2, Spring Thymeleaf, Spring JPA


  • To access the admin panel, go to http://localhost:8080/admin
  • To add admin user, use http://localhost:8080/admin/create-admin-user/ username admin and password admin
  • To add voting host, use http://localhost:8080/admin/create-voting-host/ username host and password host, or you can use

How to run

  • Using your IDE

    • Clone the repository
    • Open the project in your IDE
    • Run the project
    • Open the browser and go to http://localhost:8080/
    • Enjoy!
  • Compile by yourself using Gradle

    • Clone the repository
    • Open the terminal and go to the project directory
    • Run ./gradlew bootJar
    • Run java -jar build/libs/vote-film-1.2.1.jar
    • Or just double-click on the jar file
  • Use precompiled jar

    • Download the jar from the releases
    • Run java -jar vote-film-1.2.1.jar
      • Or just double-click on the jar file
  • Use Docker Repo

    • Install and run Docker
    • Run docker pull ikvict/choose-film:1.2.1
    • Run docker run -p 8080:8080 ikvict/choose-film:1.2.1
  • Use Dockerfile

    • Clone the repository
    • Open the terminal and go to the project directory
    • Run docker build -t choose-film .
    • Run docker run -p 8080:8080 choose-film

What patterns are used in the project?

  • MVC - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/controller - all controllers, src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/model - all models, src/main/resources/templates - all views
  • DAO - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/repository - all repositories
  • DTO - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/dto - all DTOs
  • Singleton - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/service - all services are singletons
  • Abstract Factory - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/service/apiFilm/ - factory for creating film finders
  • Facade - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/service/apiFilm/ - facade for film finding
  • Strategy - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/service/apiFilm/ - interface for film finders, src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/service/apiFilm/ - context for film finders
  • Dependency Injection - All services are injected into controllers
  • Aggregation - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/dto/ - list of ratings inside dto
  • Composition - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/model/users/ - list of roles inside user

Project Conditions:

  • Own Exceptions - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/exceptions
  • GUI divided from logic - look MVC
  • Explicitly used multithreading - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/service/apiFilm/
  • Using generics - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/service/apiFilm/
  • Explicitly used RTTI - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/controller/
  • Using nested classes - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/dto/
  • Using lambda expressions - almost everywhere, example src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/service/
  • Using default methods in interfaces - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/repository/users/
  • AspectJ
  • Serialization used - src/main/java/org/fiit/votefilm/service/apiFilm/