A tool that simplifies uploading data to Itol and generating commonly used datasets.
Since poetry is used as the package manager, run pip install poetry if necessary.
poetry install
Upload a directory containing a phylogenetic tree and Itol style files. Make sure the directory does not contain anything other than the tree and style files.
usage: ih upload [-h] [--api-key API_KEY] -p PROJECT_NAME [--tree-name TREE_NAME] [--tree-description TREE_DESCRIPTION] -d DIR
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--api-key API_KEY Using ITOL_APIKEY environment variable for default
-p PROJECT_NAME, --project-name PROJECT_NAME
--tree-name TREE_NAME
--tree-description TREE_DESCRIPTION
-d DIR, --dir DIR
poetry run ih upload -d /path/to/upload_dir --api-key $your_api_key --project-name $your_project_name
Add aliases to Labels based on a config file.
usage: ih text [-h] -i IDS -c CONFIG [-l LABEL]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IDS, --ids IDS file contained ID (nwk, fasta, phy or txt)
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
config file
-l LABEL, --label LABEL
Change the color of Labels based on a config file.
usage: ih style [-h] -i IDS -c CONFIG [-l LABEL]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IDS, --ids IDS file contained ID (nwk, fasta, phy or txt)
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
config file
-l LABEL, --label LABEL
Generate branch symbols based on a config file.
usage: ih branch-symbols [-h] -i IDS -c CONFIG [-l LABEL]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IDS, --ids IDS file contained ID (nwk, fasta, phy or txt)
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
config file
-l LABEL, --label LABEL
Convert fasta or phy format to itol alignment style.
usage: ih alignment [-h] -i INPUT [-l LABEL]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
file contained multple alignment. fasta and phy are supported
-l LABEL, --label LABEL
A JSON-formatted file required to generate Itol style files.
Specify an object with regular expressions as Keys and color codes as Values in the colormap field. This corresponds to the colors of Labels and branch-symbols.
Specify an object with node values as Keys and the desired display names as Values in the id_to_name field. This is used when creating aliases.
"colormap": {
"^Mp": "#4b0082",
"^Pp": "#32cd32",
"^Apun": "#800000",
"^Smoe": "#00bfff",
"^Azfi|^Sacu": "#2f4f4f",
"^MA": "#66cdaa",
"^Nycol|^evm": "#adff2f",
"^LOC": "#ffb6c1",
"^AT": "#daa520",
"^jgi": "#696969",
"^Cre|^Ol": "#000000"
"id_to_name": {
"AT1G29160.1": "AtCOG1",
"AT1G26790.1": "AtCDF6",
"AT1G69570.1": "AtCDF5",
"AT2G46590.1": "AtDAG2",
"AT2G34140.1": "AtCDF4",
"AT3G47500.1": "AtCDF3",
"AT5G39660.1": "AtCDF2",
"AT5G62430.1": "AtCDF1"