Give CREDIT by linking back to the creator
The software used for drawing and coloring are: Inkscape. ( )
How to install :
** All commands will be executed as root or use sudo **
*Remove older Version For Lila_HD_Icon_Theme:
rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD
rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Blue
rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Dark
rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Green
rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Kaki
rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Light-Grey
rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Crimson
rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Purple
*Clone Repo:
git clone && cd /lila-hd-icon-theme/
*Copy folder in your directory:
cp -r Lila_HD /usr/share/icons/
cp -r Lila_HD_Blue /usr/share/icons/
cp -r Lila_HD_Dark /usr/share/icons/
cp -r Lila_HD_Green /usr/share/icons/
cp -r Lila_HD_Kaki /usr/share/icons/
cp -r Lila_HD_Light-Grey /usr/share/icons/
cp -r Lila_HD_Purple /usr/share/icons/
cp -r Lila_HD_Crimson /usr/share/icons/
cp -r Lila_HD-cursor /usr/share/icons/
*If you have warning message of icon cache missing type::
cd Lila-HD-icon-theme/
*Remove downloaded folder:
rm -rf lila-hd-icon-theme
License CCBYSA + GPLV3
Lila HD icon theme are licenced under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
Included scripts are free software licenced under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.