C# wrapper for driverjs library
dotnet add package Blazor.DriverJs
Add to head
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_content/Blazor.DriverJs/driverjs.css">
Add to body
<script src="_content/Blazor.DriverJs/driverjs.js"></script>
Register service to DI
The DriverStore
component is used here to store references to Popovers and to run the drive.
is a component that represents a popover in which we specify the step in which it will be called by passing parameters such as title, description, ...
analogous to DriverJsPopover, but in this place there is a link to the element id.
To be able to work with DriverStore
we must declare a reference variable to interact with the API.
<button @onclick="async () => await _store.StartDrive()">
Start drive
<div class="gallery__wrapper">
<DriverStore @ref="_store">
<DriverJsPopover Step="1" Title="It's a fish with a nice hat">
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d5/ba/a9/d5baa9d87ceccbcbb8c679b53dc07293.jpg" alt="">
<DriverJsPopover Step="2" Title="It's a smiley face." Description="He's very happy...">
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/564x/29/70/52/2970520b7069945d60d4d3482691f9d7.jpg" alt="">
<DriverJsPopover Step="3" Title="And that's a cool smiley face">
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/736x/40/bb/da/40bbdac7db3945f95eb9cfe572d36ecd.jpg" alt="">
<DriverJsPopoverId Step="4" Title="Hello World">
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/736x/40/bb/da/40bbdac7db3945f95eb9cfe572d36ecd.jpg" alt=""
@code {
private DriverStore _store;
To highlight a single object, we can use the DriverJs
service and call the Highlight method by passing it a HighlightModel
<button @onclick="ClickHandler" @ref="_ref">
Click me
<button @onclick="ClickHandler2" id="super-button">
Click me
@code {
private ElementReference _ref;
private async Task ClickHandler()
await DriverJs.Highlight(new HighlightModel(_ref)
Title = "Hello World",
private async Task ClickHandler2()
await DriverJs.Highlight(new HighlightModel("super-button")
Title = "Hello World",
To get the step number, subscribe to the OnNextStep
event, which returns the step number.
To retrieve the Popover model, utilize the DriverStore
reference object, which includes the Popovers
<DriverStore @ref="_store" OnNextStep="NextStepHandler"></DriverStore>
@code {
private DriverStore _store;
private async Task NextStepHandler(int index)
var currentPopover = _store.Popovers[index];