You will learn how using React Native, React Figma, Styled System and other technologies create multiplatform design systems described by a code. The targeted audience of the talk is the product company designers and design system developers.
📱 PrimerDemo — A multiplatform React-based design system inspired by GitHub Primer.
- react-figma
- React Renderers
- React Renderers: an Overview
- React Native
- react-three-fiber
- React 360
- ink — React for interactive command-line apps.
- react-hardware
- react-sketchapp
- react-xd
- React Reconciliation
- Official doc
- react-reconciler — an experimental package for creating custom React renderers.
- react-reconciler-talk
- React Reconciler: How to write your own renderer on HolyJS 2020 Moscow.
- Atomic Design by Brad Frost
- — Esports website by lessmess
- Setproduct Design System 2.0 - UI kit
- Infrastructure as code
- Figma Developer Platform
- Figma Plugins API
- styled-components 💅
- GitHub Primer
- react-figma-boilerplate — Boilerplate app for react-figma.
- Webpack aliasing
- Storybook
- System UI Theme Specification
- react-primitives-box — Ergonomic, responsive React layout and grid system.
- Figma Component Variants
- Dimensions API
- [WIP] Figma Code Generator Plugin
- FigmaToCode
- GPT-3
- experimenting @openAI to @reactjs component to @figmadesign