Tracker ROS node (sort and deep sort) using darknet_ros (YOLOv3).
Detected bounding boxes from YOLO are used by the sort tracker.
This has been done using ROS Kinetic, python2 and OpenCV2. If you need a modern ros wrapper for SORT, you should use newer versions of ROS, OpenCV and python.
The branch ros-noetic
is a tentative to make it compatible with Python3, ROS Noetic and OpenCV4
Go to the docker folder and run the following:
./ path_to_your_workspace
You can use the docker container to build and run the code.
Clone the repositories outside the container and mount the volume with the workspace to the container.
In order to install darknet_ros, clone the latest version into your catkin workspace and compile the package using ROS.
cd catkin_workspace/src
git clone --recursive
cd ../
catkin build darknet_ros
In order to install sort_track, clone this repository in your catkin workspace and compile the package using ROS
cd src
git clone
catkin build sort_track
Remember to source your workspace in every new terminal window by using
source ~/catkin_workspace/devel/setup.bash
Run darknet_ros detector (For my project I used mainly YOLOv3-tiny but it should work for the other YOLOs)
roslaunch darknet_ros yolo_v3-tiny.launch
If you use the computer camera, you may need to install usb_cam ROS package and run this before running darknet_ros node:
roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch
If you still have Waiting for image. message, try to see in the file ros.yaml what is the camera topic Then you can choose between:
To run:
roslaunch sort_track sort.launch
Before running go to catkin_workspace/src/sort_track/src and open In line 90, modify model_filename to your directory To run:
roslaunch sort_track sort_deep.launch
IMPORTANT!! Before running the tracker nodes, you have to make the python scripts executable. For SORT, go to catkin_workspace/src/sort-deepsort-yolov3-ROS/sort_track/src and make executable. For DEEP SORT, go to the same folder and make executable.
This project is using code from:
abewley/sort: Simple, online, and realtime tracking of multiple objects in a video sequence.
nwojke/deep_sort: Simple Online Realtime Tracking with a Deep Association Metric.
leggedrobotics/darknet_ros: YOLO ROS: Real-Time Object Detection for ROS